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Everything posted by Guppio

  1. Ah yuh dat Smaddy...lol. y do such immature things amuse me so?
  2. So noone even noticed i hardly come on here anymore, safe.
  3. LMAO, that kees making me laffover & over! She is seriously renk in the face &the top half of her in a kini looks manish.
  4. Guppio

    BB Guns

    So ur encouraging me to buy a neat lil whistle & keep it in my purse? Wld u come visit me in pen & bring me nuddy mags too, amybe even slip in a few of u naked or doing the do?
  5. Guppio

    BB Guns

    No, I didnt I wldnt trust myself w one u know.
  6. Guppio

    BB Guns

    Like, that was like, my reason for making this subject to like find out.
  7. Guppio

    BB Guns

    lol, I love u.
  8. Guppio


    Course he is, he's been around for eons.
  9. Im chippinIm chippin out - LeavinLash a tek - to steal from a person on the streetGet some trim - Sex
  10. i swear that still makes me laughhow can u call someone the lord of gaysLOLLMAO, Ive never thought of it in that context.
  11. lol.Some of these words I hv not heard from time (well being over hre Ionly ever hear any of them from u scally wags).
  12. Thats so stupid, y am I laughing?!Cos YOU'RE stupidIt was kinda funny though Oh how I have missed your up lifting comments.xxx
  13. Guppio

    Wierd habits

    Reading words backwards, I do it all the time.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FzlTzpt20I
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3ARyAb_1Bs
  16. Yeah Oreo is the best Mc. Flurry by far. My friends kids has a Mc.Flurry maker I need to get me one of these.
  17. Yeah as a teen. Drank them in a cuppa tea(was vile), I was in the country w my mom & we decided to pick a bunch. Shes an ex hippy & they are from the earth after all so it was kinda biodegradable. Nice feeling, I was laughing alot & seeing things, but they dont last long. Which was a good thing.
  18. Never heard of it, I do like the Angus 3rd pounder tho mmmm. Only had it once mind u but twas lully. I never had their brekkie bk hm u know, but over ehre its nasty.
  19. I think, if u think its homo then u urself r homo.
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