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Posts posted by Guppio

  1. I once told my friend the canvas cap for her weave was visable. We didn't talk for nearly a year.
    But u were showing her it needs fixing, thats what friends r 4 I thouhgt?My hair doesnt grow as I fvcked it up big time. Dyed it 3 days in a row as I tried to do it blonde & it went ginger so I did it darker & it just went a darker ginger so that 3rd day in a row I got it more browny red but it also broke & had millions of split ends. If Id went to the hair dressers on a regs I wlda saved it but I didnt ever go bk then. So now it hardly grows, but its in good condition finally, poor ting.
  2. Meanwhile, an MLB official claimed the league was not aware that the designs were gang-related.
    BullshitI would've believed it if the blue and red bandana ones where the only capsbut from time you have a black and gold design with a crown on it (Latin King colours), its bait they're trying to market the caps to gangs
    Exactly, I just cant believe they even brought them out, wtf were they thinkin (besides dollar signs)?
  3. Get an all inclusive deal then u wont hv 2 put aside hardly anything for spending $ & go for a 4 nights deal instead. Im in the states so I can recommend anywhere that will be of use but, theres an idea.

  4. I don't know. I hate this country, I am not even racist anymore, infact I don't think I ever was, ANNOYED yes, because this is a crap country.I might go and live in Kent. I don't want to leave London but the husband does.
    Ooo Kent, big move lol. Bout ur not a racist anymore, how can it jsut switch off woman?
  5. Living in this country for the rest of your life?If so...why?If not...where you wanna go...and why?
    Hv u been reading my pms?Well I have moved so that ans ur question. If my Dad wasnt american I doubt I wlda ever come here as I wldnt of had citizenship so then my ans wld be, yes. Unless I won the lottery & Id get a cpl places elsewhere, but on a normal, I wldnt of left.
  6. i wear exactly woteva the fack i want literallyi couldnt care less what anyone else thinks, i dnt kno sh*t about whats in or out of seasonif one time im feelin yellow i will rock yellow, if its grey then its grey, i dnt carei wear the same trousers to work 4 days out of the week, because i can, and because its work i see it jus like school i jus change my topsi wear what i feel comfortable in, and i dnt really like a lot of things that are "in fashion"
    I cld never wear the same clothing to work in the same week, I wld feel really, really wrong. I dont think I even wear the same thing in 3 wks.
  7. But thing is, I don't have just 1-2 pairs. I have over 25 pairs of really nice jeans.It's just I have these April 77 Joey REALLY skinny, blacker than black jeans and because I love the cut, look and comfort of them so much I tend to leave out all my others.
    Im the same, Ive got loads of jeans & there all good makes, but u can only wear so many & I hv only 3 that I wear on heavy rotation. Same w wonter boots, Ive got loads but Ill hv my fav cpl & buss them mostly.
  8. I used to be worse in what Id wear, when I was youger Id literally think whilst shopping "wld so & so like this" be the so & so a male interset or one of my good friends!! Now I cldnt give a monkeys what others think, I dress for me, maybe thats coz all my good friends r back hm tho.Actually I do care as when I go to a club Ill always ask what the rest of the girls are wearing & if there all gon be in skirts & I was going to wear trousers, Id re think my outfit & prolly go in a skirt or dress.... hmm thats sad. But when it comes to everyday & dress wear I wear/choose whateva I liek & feel comfortable in.

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