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Everything posted by Guppio

  1. Guppio


    I used to be worse in what Id wear, when I was youger Id literally think whilst shopping "wld so & so like this" be the so & so a male interset or one of my good friends!! Now I cldnt give a monkeys what others think, I dress for me, maybe thats coz all my good friends r back hm tho.Actually I do care as when I go to a club Ill always ask what the rest of the girls are wearing & if there all gon be in skirts & I was going to wear trousers, Id re think my outfit & prolly go in a skirt or dress.... hmm thats sad. But when it comes to everyday & dress wear I wear/choose whateva I liek & feel comfortable in.
  2. Not read topic, but y do some ppl say Badmine?
  3. lol, word!Nah, I give myself a 7.5. I like my face, my body needs improving & some improvements are not possible ( leg lenghtening, more ass). My personality is tops. always the top bird round ere, jobs good cld be better, money is getting there but cld be waaaay better,*damn clothes, damn shoes, damn boots, damn holidays* hair aint on point atm, but nothing a few visits to the salon wont fix.
  4. LOL, when it cometh to my food that wld be a straight up NO!!
  5. Shes raking it in now, got a show out over here Bionic woman.
  6. Aww Tites, that was really touching.
  7. i have clocked that you seen to hate all the brands that ever get mentioned in here.Do you prefer your man to wear Akademiks, Fubu or Wu Wear?I didnt c this, so tell me what brands I dislike go on.Bape & all them I think are sh!t & Im not alone. Me & my man wear Wu Wear all day ery day & Tha Dogg Pound. What, what, throw yo' deuces up.
  8. lol.Thats a bit deep, giving an organ to a net personality. No one wld want my liver tho, thats fo sho!
  9. Niether male nor female shld ever wear animal print trainers, wft?!
  10. Guppio

    Heaven OR Hell?

    Heaven. I did some not so nice things when I was younger but that gets blighed as I was younger & they werent really, really bad, jsut regular scally wag type shiz.I hope when I die thats it & I dont want an after life, one life is more than enuff tyvm.
  11. lol @ the puposely chosen gimpy models. This brand is shite & ridiculously over priced, I hope it flops soon.
  12. I just bought a kiddie one for my friends son, its still hot here tho so he'll hv to wait.
  13. Guppio


    The worst is that nervous laugh/smile u get sometimes when someone tells u some awful news - to your face.
  14. Guppio

    Im Shaving my head

    This vision of u w a baldy & beard has doubled my obsession w finding out how u look.
  15. God is it really thought 2 b gay if u ask next man what aftershave he usues?You lot hv to double think everything incase it is thought of as gay, thats sad. I wldn't think it gay if I heard a man asking another man that.
  16. Ellie is w badboy, I never knew this. Puffy is known for stiffin his artists, but stil I doubt it happened quite like so.
  17. Always wondered this & drum = hse? chippin = leavin howwww are these related in anyway?Someone has gotta de lurve burge!
  18. A high percentage dont, thats whats so stupid about it. They make all that $, take all those risks but dont hv nothing saved or they hv to use it all for bail, get lock up, come out flat is taken away as rent wasnt paid, car taken back as HP not paid, blah, blah, blah.
  19. At my age its not about crime, diff when ur young.I wld never settle for $5, $6 ph as I wldnt need to, blagger round 'ere. That shwo I got in2 working in ofcs, just had my friend tell me everythign she does on a daily & then I put that on my CV w/ a lil less experience.Never settle for failure.
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