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Posts posted by Guppio

  1. or maybe u lot jus dnt know sh*tmine wa s alogical guess still n seein as someone else said it may b right
    Y u on the defense for Duts?
    never waswhy ru tryna push it liek im on the defense?
    Never was, y u tryna push it like Im tryna push it like say ur on the defense ?
  2. woah woah woahhow the f*ck is my name gettin thrown into it?i aint even owned S-man boxersim the one who quetioned the dude for not postin himselfn Jodie dnt try smile like u say its mei dnt even have u on msn
    I didnt know u were DB, u seem different under this new persona.
  3. Nice complextion be it darker or lighter jsut has to be nice.5'11+Med to wench (lol, I dont really say this word)Nice dress sense, but if tis only ok thats ok as Ill sort it.Good teeth & a nice smileFunny & knows what he wants in life.

    Lets tell the rest of the world this and those migrating here, Then, there actually might be more options for myself and my family.
    Listen up you white honkey..Stop jumping on the bandwaggon before I e slap your face and make you run downstairs crying for your mummy.Ijjat.
    White Honkey?As opposed to a Black Honkey one presumes biggrin.gif
    LMAO!CZ, u say ud get a job but ud hv to fork out 200 pw, but if ur BOTH working 200 is minor, surely Shirley?
  5. so are you saying u cant get ANY job?
    I need to bring in a minimum of £1800 per month to survive.No I cannot do any job due to the rent on the property we are in.If we had council the rent would be affordable and I would be able to take a lesser paid job.
    hmmm2 jobs?
    and have no life?
    lol isnt that a small price to pay to make sure u and your family is living ok
    Well if it could affect me psycollogicaly and run me down to the ground, considering my back trouble, then how is it doing good for my family if I die from stress?
    LMAO, deer plain face.
  6. What happened during schoo/college years u f*cked up?
    I'm not ashaimed to say, I was bullied in school because I was in all the top classes and people took me for a nerd.I was scared to return to school so dropped out when I was 14 and a half.I am back at college now though trying to restore myself and get something.
    Say word u were a nerd, I see no signs of this in the way u type.Anyway, thats fvckry how they took ALL of that from one day, u shld call them up u may be able to sort something out - Maybe.More fvckry is how Ash always gets set pon.
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