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Everything posted by Guppio

  1. Your mouth, teeth & smile really do it for me. Titan, you see the love I've sent ur way lolGuppio, how come I don't get no love I hadn't paid any males a comp but I just cldn't resist.You know I loves ya Godz ur the realest of the real.
  2. You're nearer to that than me Anyway in the spirit of this thread.........The outfit........ its alot! lmao.
  3. Your mouth, teeth & smile really do it for me.
  4. From what I can c, prettyyyyy! The men/boys in this forum need to step their game up.
  5. guppy on a real tho. dead the long talk. im sayin we start a little dialogue between us and take it from there. lets get this moving.Come we go!im coming to ny soon. take me out for a drink. YES U TAKE ME. im on dis being pampered stuff.lol, yes bosssss.
  6. Blood, don't make me draw for one of your pictures from Rwd days. . .If you don't want me to, I won't.Just rep in it, it's all bless.Some ppl know your face already yeah true but still. Just repp in itUp it, I forgot what he looks like. I only remember one where he was @ the bottom of some strairsa & I beleive he had glasses on?
  7. guppy on a real tho. dead the long talk. im sayin we start a little dialogue between us and take it from there. lets get this moving.Come we go!
  8. Guppio

    Are You Mad.

    Thats what Ill get for protection.
  9. Nice oic, u wear that hair well. Everyones seen my boat so Im not bothering.
  10. From that half u look really pretty love.EXACTLY, STAND TALL. YOUR BLESSED, SHOW THE REST OF YOU.G, CAN I UP THAT PIC OF U WEARING THE FEATHER HAT? I WON'T EVEN CONSIDER PUTTING UP THE REST.The rest u know, dont try it. Yeah u can up it, most hv seen it b4 anyway.
  11. CZ, I just read ur sig, watch that song stuck in my head for the rest of the day.
  12. From that half u look really pretty love.
  13. Bad fashion sense and hairstyle (no metro).???? wtf u on, her hair is nice 7 so is the outfit. How canu go wrong w long curly hair, corset top & skinny jeans?!
  14. ur one of the pretty boys dargInint, wtf is he chattin?!LOL.Lito just wanted to be in his own one man latino gang.lol
  15. ur one of the pretty boys dargInint, wtf is he chattin?!
  16. bring man in on the new one Click on her pic & u get in2 her myspace. I like that dress w the bow Adz.
  17. Carpe u look 1000x different in that pic than what I remembered, not a bad thing still. Bloody CA thats still like 4 hrs time diff & a 7 hr flight for me, come NY mayne its where its at!Anyway, congrats on the school, thats great.
  18. EditedSorry, I had to :D :Dlol, cvnt.Thats a good pic tho Wreckz, modelesque.
  19. You know what, just pretend to be Mexican & ul get it.
  20. Did u check out my link?
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