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Everything posted by Guppio

  1. Yeah if u got over a mil & will provide jobs for ppl u get right in otherwise its long!!Get a work visa, try this site they even pay for ur flat.http://www.mountbatten.org/
  2. Guppio

    Sexual Regrets

    lol, thats not very good!I have regretted quite a few as it goes (not just sex but someone I was infactuated w & sh*t), I put it down to young & dumb.
  3. Thats what I was thinking LOG. Oh no, not missionary I dont do that, its wrong.
  4. My x wasnt the greatest kisser, its not that he cldnt kiss, he just didnt kiss how I liked & he wasnt even big on kissing so I doubt he cared. We were very upfront w eachother, but I never had the heart to tell him I didnt like how he kissed. My bf b4 him was an amazing kisser, I cld almost orgasm ( slight exaggeration) from just his kiss, but then he was crap in bed. SO u gotta outweight the bad & the good.Kissing someone w no lips makes me cringe, I on a few dates w one guy, his lips were really thin & kissing him made me want to vomit.
  5. Guppio

    BB Guns

    Thanks streets.Those moany b!tches complaining about my use of the letters hse - so u dont shorten ur words when writing/emailing/txtng?
  6. Fvck this topic up the jacksie.
  7. lol, ok, ok Im steppin bk - sheesh.
  8. She started cryin, wtf? SOunds a lil dodge city to me, but it all depends on how much u trust her.
  9. I dont & he does, but he smokes Newport ( the typical black persons fag) there menthol so its not as bad. But it still annoys me, no end. I cant believe I once smoked, its so nasty.
  10. Guppio


    lmaoLMAO. Pussies are horrid.
  11. Guppio


    Same reaosn theres diff kinds of penis', breasts, noses etc.
  12. Not oop the arse, but yeah sometimes I "do me" while hes "doing me" why not, doublay pleasuray.
  13. And steven, shes american but find her on myspace.I knew she was.
  14. Guppio

    Deaf or Blind

    Deaf easily hands down. Theres alot of things I wld rather ot hear anyway, but sight is ohhh so important.
  15. Dutty Roo, he dont biness. Holes a hole is his motto.
  16. Guppio

    BB Guns

    lol, my 'hood aint bad. Where Im moving isn't the bvest are but its a nice hse so I care not.
  17. Shes a freak so it cld be for some kinky orgy, but she seems to hv calmed down from those days. my bets are on it being for him, shes got the muscles for it.
  18. Guppio

    BB Guns

    Maybe if u move in those cirlces, which I dont and as I said b4 I dont want a real gun.
  19. Guppio

    BB Guns

    Why not?I dont want a real gun, I dont trust myself.
  20. Guppio

    BB Guns

    SO I got mugged the other day by some crack head & I should be moving in to a hse soon. Not lived in a hse for ages & I know there much easier to burglarise than a flat. Anyway, so Im para of being burlged in a flat (always checking the locks, never leave keys or valuables anywhere but my br, etc) let alone a hse, Ima b doulbe para in a hse & even more so now I got took.So anyway, now u hv some info on my paranoid ways lets get to the q at hand. If I was to shoot someone w a bb gun, wld it do them any damage (obv if I got them in the eye it wld)? I saw one in this catalogue & it looks just like a gun, thought it wld be a good investment.
  21. Never as Im hardly on here when hm. Im quite the exhibitionist, but even so I wld feel funny sitting at my PC chair starkers.
  22. Smadstar, WTF DOES THAT HV TO DO W ANYTHING?!This topic is great!
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