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Everything posted by Guppio

  1. Or in this case, the ckicen, egg, period or the poo?
  2. Guppio

    FAO: girlies

    Yeah I thought of that about u ADZ, its different w short hair.My sis has been telling me fo rtime to get a Halle (the old Halle of course) cut, but my face is too fat for it.
  3. I swear ur slightly retarded or a lil bit spastic, which is it?
  4. lol, there are no sporks in my hse.
  5. But ifur eatig from a bowl a spoon is the only way. How r u gon scoop up the last grain w a fork to a round sin ting? Round needs round.
  6. Guppio

    FAO: girlies

    Thats really conservative!!Those who ralex their hair every 6 wks, how long hv u been doing that? You shld try to stretch it out longer. If u hv a good hairdresser u shldnt need to do it so often, when mine starts to need relaxing I go to my hairdresser & she does whateva magic stuff she does & its nice & straight so I can prolong straigtening it for another month or so.
  7. Celeb mags kill me when they call someone skinny curvy.
  8. Guppio

    FAO: girlies

    LOL< nasty.I hope I dont hv a daughter as Im useless w hair & sio was my mother. Thats the problem when u hv mixed races. My Dads kids mom has no idea what to do w thiers, they got serious naps, poor tings. my mom wld just lop mine off or leave it as a fro.
  9. I think it was nightrider. OMG, the Hoff I fancied the Hoff, nah it cldnt of been.
  10. The expectations are shocking lolHow so? If Ive just started seeing someone & the bill came & he said u can pay I wld be shocked as wld most women, I dont care what u say. But, like I said I do offer.Your contradicting yourself G. To be shocked at that is to imply you don't want to pay/didn't expect to pay therefore offering is invalid. Offering is a suggestion NOT a action. In other words, just pay for it & don't offer.It's cool though, it's your world live it as you please.Don't get me twisted, I'm a gentleman by nature & always pays when I take a woman out but my points are still valid.No, I wld be shocked as its not really the norm for a man (yes man I date men even when I was a younger Id date older) to just ask his date to pay when its a new ting, that I dont expect, it just doesnt seem rigt to me. To this day, in my old years I have never had a date say that so I really dont expcet it to be suggested, ya dig?. But if I offer & he accepts its alot different, it seems like Im contradicting myself, but I knwo where Im coming from. Obv if my man now asked me to it wld be nothing as we been together yrs.
  11. The expectations are shocking lolHow so? If Ive just started seeing someone & the bill came & he said u can pay I wld be shocked as wld most women, I dont care what u say. But, like I said I do offer.
  12. Ill offer to pay sometimes, its no biggie. And it all depends on how long u been together too, if its a new ting Id be a lil shocked if he straight out asked me to pay, but usually in new ones I wld offer once in a while anyway.
  13. Maybe man doesn't have a problem with any but this lighty just happens to be nice?!*Does spastic face*LOL, I thought that was ur natural face still. Light skins run tings, deal.You thought of that yourself? I bet you stop at a stop sign and wait for it to turn green initMaybe I do & maybe I dont.
  14. Maybe man doesn't have a problem with any but this lighty just happens to be nice?!*Does spastic face*LOL, I thought that was ur natural face still. Light skins run tings, deal.
  15. I dont come on here too tuff when not working, but whien working & its a slow day it helps pass the time. But I defo wldn't say it flies by, I wish it did that way Id be nearer the end of my working day, not just starting it.
  16. Guppio


    She wears make up well & is very photogenic, but she has a long face, huge forehead & a slight forward jaw.
  17. Yes it wld, so wld being fvcked up the ass & fanina at the same time - for most girls.
  18. LMAO @ run wanking up & down the stairs, that seems quite hard. You got talent.
  19. Guppio

    MTV VMA's 2007

    her poses kill me, she does the same ones everytime & the 2nd looks so unnatural. Im actually starting to hate my Beyonce. I just wish shed be normal, she goes to basketball games all dressed up w tons of make up & huge earrings & some tuff heels, a basketball game.
  20. I cant believe some of u didnt reck Esther & Buffie & I did, u man r slippin & the only reason I know them is from this site!!!
  21. Buffy is vile. As a man who only went for lopoks, Id go for Esther or the one inthe pink.
  22. lol, dont tell me u were suprised?
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