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Everything posted by Guppio

  1. Why?If all is blessed whats the problem.You females don't need confirmation that the baby is yours, us men just have to 'trust' you.These days bwoy, certain females KNOW the baby is another mans BUT will be 'siiiiiiilent niiiiight'Coz that wld mean he doesn't trust me & hasnt all along. Why wld he try for a baby w me if he had doubts of my faith? And its calling em a sket as it wld mean Id juice next man unprotected.
  2. He came over just after xmas w one of his daughters.When I lived in LDN (he lives in Teddington) Id rarely c him even then, we'd call every now & then & now we email every now & then, more then than now.When he came over he was BARE protective over his daughter (shes 14) & he didnt even want 2 leave her IN the hotel room while he walked me downstairs. Yet I lived on my own w NO HELP from him @ 16, wtf?!
  3. Unless we were in an open relationship or Id been caught cheating numerous times Id be PISSED!!
  4. Guppio

    MTV VMA's 2007

    LMAO @ u saying Turning, shes been trailor from day. But either was I think she has a great bod for poppin out 2 kids, she shld just knw what to wear, espec infront of millions.
  5. lol dont lie shes bustedthem man try say shes mei knowWhy do u hv her in ur sig then? AHh, I give up.
  6. Guppio

    Creepy Craw;ies

    you should take this seriously, you could have an investationI live NY son, they'r common round dese bits.I do not really talk like so.
  7. Guppio

    Creepy Craw;ies

    There was a wench (lol I never say that word in real life) cocroach in the steps to my flat this morning & I must admit I shat myself.Im, not scared of piders tho, regualr spiders that is.
  8. LOL, so is it u or not? C'mon u know I can be slow, she looks nice regardless.
  9. Well the last cheated on her alot of times so she was right not to hv one w him. It was bait she'd end up w a white man anyway.
  10. Whose that in ur sog, coz if its u, u look really different?
  11. My word, thats an ugly babbun.lolYou shouldn't say thatI know, I thought that right after I said it!
  12. My word, thats an ugly babbun.
  13. Depends what Im doing, I guess i often look miserable as ppl say 'smile' to me alot. When Im shopping I hv a really serious face, like Im proper concentrating on the clothes, my sis always picks me up on it. Actually as Im typing I feel myself frowning.So basically I look like an old miser.
  14. How did u kill the pigeon tho?I have never killed anyhting bigger than a snail, I cldnt.My lilttle school wld let us take home pets for summer hols & I had a gerbil which I swung round by its tail, the tail came off. I cant remember how on earth I explained it tho.
  15. How can u put brand b4 looks, that means ur saying it may not be a tops garm, but as its Armani ur going to buy it?
  16. Guppio

    Fao Ladies

    How higly u speak of ur mom/dads sis.
  17. I was going to, but Im a truthful soul.
  18. Cheeky I want the piercing u got on ur upper lip (tho noone else wants me too), did it hurt?
  19. Sees post b4 last, DAMMIT!!
  20. Cant be assed to read the replies but thats not her.I didntknw she was Laitna, I knew she wasnt white, white, but not sure what exactly. Its far from a latin name.
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