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Everything posted by Guppio

  1. chocs is my homegirl an everyting but she cud snap her back 95 degrees and she still wudnt have nuffin 2 push out *4give me*its funny u made this topic tho face off, no gyal with no bottom has the right 2 walk stush imoKurious u bitch lol as u sed b4 its all bout angles but hey i kno my batty aint flat jus checkout da myspace lololStanding in the chicken shop cockin ur batty, nuff class there girlie.Whats the Myspace?.Its on her sig, same pic she has in her avi too. myspace is set to private, I hate private myspacers.
  2. chocs is my homegirl an everyting but she cud snap her back 95 degrees and she still wudnt have nuffin 2 push out *4give me*its funny u made this topic tho face off, no gyal with no bottom has the right 2 walk stush imoKurious u bitch lol as u sed b4 its all bout angles but hey i kno my batty aint flat jus checkout da myspace lololStanding in the chicken shop cockin ur batty, nuff class there girlie.
  3. That sounds live.lol, not 4 moi it wasn't.
  4. Guppio


    That girl is renk^^^^^^Some of those styles were cute, not me tho.
  5. Guppio


    Authorization req's, wah da bombarass?
  6. I remember someone asking that b4 & it got ansd, I dont remember the ans tho.Glad to be of service.
  7. I knew someone else wld of thought that. I did too till I saw who the topic maker was, then I thought maybe its some porn thing, so I just ignored this topic, but temptation is a mafucca.Finger Mouse = Porn?You got some DIRTY mind. I doesn't.
  8. Guppio

    What Jacket

    Yeah those Members only jackets are old skool, they came bk in fashion for some reason.
  9. Why do tourists act like they dont know how to walk?!?!?Why cant they put fans in the subway, its like a sauna down there (they hv a/c on the trains but the actual subway is dyer)?At least the trains in new york actually have a/c, london should take note. on second thoughts we dont even have good weather.lol exactly! Nah but the summer I left (03) it was a scorcher & the trains & BUSES were awful. OMG the busses wld kill me, Id nod off thru tiredness & heat exaustion & wake up in a plie of sweat. Man wld still try chirp me tho, sweaty forehead & I look retarded where Im all dazed from waking up & there he is next to me " Yes babes *add cheesy line here*"
  10. Why do tourists act like they dont know how to walk?!?!?Why cant they put fans in the subway, its like a sauna down there (they hv a/c on the trains but the actual subway is dyer)?
  11. I knew someone else wld of thought that. I did too till I saw who the topic maker was, then I thought maybe its some porn thing, so I just ignored this topic, but temptation is a mafucca.I wld be good if it was wireless as its the wire that give me problems & no Im not buying a wireless for my job.
  12. LOL. Ur aunt can not be like so abouther neice, surely?
  13. How do u think I feel when I find out u hv ben here & not come to my hse for a cuppa (or something 10x's as strong), aye? Think about that will ya.
  14. LOL @ Numero.Yada, yada, yada KG. Ill believe it when I c it love.
  15. LMAO, sweet pea, I know nuff when it comes to bargains.I know where 2 get bare Ed Hardy, LRG & AKA stuff & Bape T's for $20, know say there fakes. But there not over the top designs so u cld get away w it.
  16. Where was you shopping? I got bare cheap stuff. The most I paid for kicks was $70.Can't remember where in New York I was, but all I remember is that there was a huge Macy's and loads of other shops. I'm serious, I didn't find a lot of stuff worth buying, and if it was, not a lot of it was that cheap. Perhaps I didn't look around much. If I go again I will check again, but other people I have spoken to have said the same to me.Gyalhattan is the worst place to shop. Prices aint good and the shops are wack. You have to go to the other boroghs for shopping. That was like West End. sh*t is different out there. Its all about the little man's shops not the Foot Lockers and thatYeah, it was Manhattan. I was with my Aunt, sister and female older cousin, so obviously they decided wher we went.What other borughs and where in those boroughs are the best place to go for shopping? I want to go again, but probably with the mandem.U were @ 34th st, the equiv to O st. macy's hv the bomest deals, didnt u find anything in there?!
  17. Nah theres loads of cheap stuff, u jsut hv to knwo where to look.Next time u come, come to my hse party & while were there jammin, Ill tell u where to look.
  18. LMAO, straight bumped. NE's over here cost from $20-$65, bout $4 surely ur fam wlda seen such cheap prices as a warnin, warnin fakes in the hse.
  19. Guppio

    What the hell

    celcius?LOL she'd be dead, she probably meant fahrenheit.& ppl say Im stupid, c'mon gimpoid use ur common of the sense.You areDont jump the wagon pusssssssywole, iba is the only one allowed to go on so, its his job on the forum.
  20. Guppio

    What the hell

    celcius?LOL she'd be dead, she probably meant fahrenheit.& ppl say Im stupid, c'mon gimpoid use ur common of the sense.
  21. Guppio

    What the hell

    Its dark here too & the temp has dropped to 65, its bk up to 92 the wknd tho, Ill be thinking of y'all.I wld trade the good weather wknd for a day @ carni, even the kids day wld do.
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