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Posts posted by Guppio

  1. My man works nights & if he doesn't get hm b4 Ive left 4 wk, we usually talk in the morning & if he's still up @ my lunch break we'll talk again then, if not I wont talk to him till I get hm as hes asleep.When I stay @ my moms over a weekend (& Im not staying there as we've had a fight) I usually speak 2 him quite a bit infact & more time its him calling me. We never really talk about anything in particular, just chit chat.

  2. My b/f actually had an attitude w me the other day as he dreamed I cheated on him w one of his friends (they shld be so lucky), I cldn't believe. But he said it was so realistic, he cldn't help himself!Wheneva I dream of fighting, my punches never hurt them, its really frustrating.

  3. While we're FAO'ing the powers that be, may I ask WTF IS THIS SITE SO SLOW?!@?! It frustrates me as sometimes I may only hv a free moment from work & want to leave a comment right quick b4 el bosso comes over & it takes 1000 minutes to upload reply?!?!?!

  4. 63k, fvck outta here, its not that serious.
    LOL, You don't have a clue.
    Yes I do, I hv clue enuff to know I wld never waste such $ on something like that, that will drop in price dramtically in a few yrs, plus ITS NTO THAT SERIOUS. Thats a nice downpayment on a hse, fvck a big overpriced tv.
  5. Phoenix-Chi looks like a boy
    Its a girl? biggrin.gif
    lol yeh
    So ur saying all brown kids w/ curly hair look the same eh eh eh? Its a girl but she does look like a boy, thats a good pic of her. I saw one of her in the US OK mag & she was kinda funny lookin, looks like her dad w them said theeth.
  6. Guppie I was looking at your mans pics why has he got so many tattoos and is he a jailbird he looks serious
    He's got 2 big ones on each arm, thats not bad. I love them!He did a lil stretch when he was a teen, hes now 30 & a changed man.
  7. If Brad or Tyrese were to join then yeah. Otherwise, no, I cldnt date a personality from the net. Well saying that, who knows, we cld becoem friedss & then later on that lead to something else?

  8. Thing is this vcr was proper old, it was one of those where the reomte is attached by wire!!!
    lmao, wtf? How old are you?Never seen that or heard about it b4.
    It wasn't from my time, my mom was jsut funky & wld get 2nd hand shite like that, shlda seen our tv, it was one of those wooden ones & weighed that of an elephant!
  9. I fthis is true, he had to be a nut job.When I was younger we got burgled & we were carelss & left everything downstairs ( I never leave keys or $ in the front room now, coz if I do get burgeled I doubt they'll coem in my room when Im there) moms purse, my money, keys. But they by passed all of that & just took our VCR, they even took out the vid. Thing is this vcr was proper old, it was one of those where the reomte is attached by wire!!!

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