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Posts posted by Guppio

  1. I love burgers from a bbq, thats the main thing I eat. the last one I went to was ur typical black ppls cookout, there was 4 tables of food, good food & lots of it. What did I hv mostly, burgers & tata salad.

  2. OMG, no way. f*ckin wrongun, I dont care what she was going thru, how shook she was she not the only one who bricks it. Makes me sick to my stomach, I didnt think it was possible to hate her even more than I did.

  3. OMG, no way. f*ckin wrongun, I dont care what she was going thru, how shook she was she not the only one who bricks it. Makes me sick to my stomach, I didnt think it was possible to hate her even more than I did.

  4. Didnt realize there was a quiz biggrin.gif You are part Jessica. You are a two-faced bitch most of the time. Friends are friends, and enemies don't want to be your enemies. No one messes with you. You are part Claire. You're naive and still getting used to your abilities. Some more experience and assertiveness would be good for you. is it really?!?!!

  5. Fvcksake someone lock this or u 2 get a room.my sis laughs at my matching of everyhting, well not everyhting but if I wear a pink top Ill wear soem pick flip flops & maybe a pink belt if Im feeling in the moode. She thinks its too much, I think its just right.
    Are u male or female?
    I thought it was obvious that Im of the scrotum kind?
  6. Fvcksake someone lock this or u 2 get a room.my sis laughs at my matching of everyhting, well not everyhting but if I wear a pink top Ill wear soem pick flip flops & maybe a pink belt if Im feeling in the moode. She thinks its too much, I think its just right.

  7. Fvcksake someone lock this or u 2 get a room.my sis laughs at my matching of everyhting, well not everyhting but if I wear a pink top Ill wear soem pick flip flops & maybe a pink belt if Im feeling in the moode. She thinks its too much, I think its just right.

  8. Loves a motherf*cker. My x was a good friend of mine & we had feeling 4 eachother it was obv, but I promised myself never to get w him coz he was waste (ie no job, lived w granny). I was w him for 4 yrs biggrin.gif . His gran died so we got a flat & he got a job but wld usually get fired after 6 months, I hear he is still nt working now.

  9. i have to everyday standard.. i get up at 6 so im cream crackered wen i get home.
    Lazy, I wld get up @ 630, work till 530 & class till 9, whre wld I nap?! I cld of been like my friend & blatantly slept in class but Im not that rude.
    i aint gonna lie thats pretty good goin.. makes me feel like a pansy still lol.
    lol, sorry to dent ur ego! Im sure ur tuff as ol boots really. biggrin.gif
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