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Everything posted by VickieB

  1. VickieB

    What is...

    its england, what do you expect :roll:
  2. Its not fair.You lot get two hour lunches and I'm only just having my lunch.
  3. Touch, Select or if im really desperate....Kiss. :oops:
  4. VickieB

    my pics

    Its cool. :wink:
  5. VickieB

    my pics

    It can even be done in Paint, if you want to send me a couple and i'll do it and send em back to you.
  6. VickieB

    What duz

    I'm a worker.....well....I've got a job, dont actually do much work
  7. Another good reason for me to lock in!
  8. Wicked, glad I could help.
  9. If its the one im thinking of its called Footprints but i dont know who its by.
  10. VickieB

    Whos Single???

    Im not sure what I am. Dont wanna jinx it by saying im with someone so for now, until I know exactly whats going on...I'm single.
  11. VickieB


    have to say, im loving it already.
  12. Maybe the DJ's should lead the way and we might follow :wink:
  13. ill have to ignore u now :mrgreen:You couldnt ignore me Dan, no matter how hard you tried. :wink:
  14. VickieB

    Footy Teams

    Millwall girl, but only cos i used to live right near the old Den. Havent actually been to a game in forever.
  15. Nah, I werent at that one
  16. My office is pretty cool, reckon i could actually get away with some of those.Dont fancy testing it to find out though.
  17. Forget chat up lines, the best thing a bloke can do to get my attention is ignore me.Serious, it works. :wink:
  18. VickieB

    Dear Deidre

    get mates who wont shag your missus even if you ask em?
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