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Everything posted by Tayven

  1. Tayven

    Who pays?

    I'm broke right now.Therefore, she pays.
  2. I knew this would turn into a race topic.I was told to never fight back if I'm outnumbered, because doing so would only make it worse.Imagine if this dude never fought back.
  3. Video: Safe: Dude Holds His Own When 6 Teens From Mesquite High School Try To Jump Him! "I Give You Your Props"This guy won.f*ck*ng idiots..
  4. My reaction would have been different I handn't read the replies before watching the vid.That way I fully prepared..
  5. Tayven


    Here's a link for "So Far Gone" if anyone still needs it. Not my link, i got it elsewhere.http://anonym.to/?http://www.zshare.net/do...355197e0a69b30/More Drake Mixtapes.....Might as well...Room For improvementhttp://anonym.to/?http://www.zshare.net/do...354649f4c2c778/Heartbreak Drakehttp://anonym.to/?http://www.zshare.net/do...354867a622e67e/
  6. Tayven


    Being light-skinned has got nothing to do with it.A whole crowd of people wouldn't know every word to your song unless they really loved it.I don't get the hype myself, but there are some decent tunes on his latest mixtape.
  7. Band name - Russian battleship GangutAlbum Name - By originality overcomes everythingAlbum Cover.
  8. Tayven


    lol...as long as we can both agree that he's a great artist.
  9. Tayven


    FantastiqueFreezeFlypaperCatdieselMirror in the Sky...all great songs.
  10. Tayven


    Are you serious?His Latest release ( titled Yes!) is one of the best albums I've heard this year.This dude is a genius. The songs you posted are all good, but (according to my taste) there are better songs.
  11. Tayven


    WHAT!!This album leaked??*Goes to Boxden*
  12. f*ck*ng hell !!!...you man are quick with these gifs.
  13. I don't have Sky. What happened with Drogba?
  14. He didn't put a lit cigar in Ousame Dabo eye. The incident with Dabo was a training ground "fight".The lit cigar incident involved another team-mate at a Christmas party.
  15. Honestly, Lil Kim was much worse on her debut album (Hardcore).Trina is/was just a cheap imitation.
  16. Titus Bramble tbh.I don't play in a league.Just a friendly game of football with friends and associates on weekends.Nothing at stake. Just trying to keep fit and healthy.
  17. Tayven

    Daft Punk

    !!Digital Love, Face to Face, Veridis Quo...etc...All great songs.
  18. Why am I not suprised by this?It's obvious these dudes were really moving weight. Not just rapping about it.Unlike some fraud like bawse.
  19. http://www.whosampled.com/sample/view/2447...de%20My%20Love/I recommend this song to any rap fans who haven't heard it yet. Killah Priest does a great job with how he told the story.A good song all-round.The original is a brilliant song also.
  20. Yeah, this behavior is quite common.Anyone who's that selfish can never be a real friend to anyone.If this dude can't even be bothered to look after his own mum....well......you know the rest.One of them dudes with money to spend on weed, but little for their own kids.
  21. Family members, close friends. YESOthers, I'd make an effort. But nothing too extreme as I would for the above.I would be consumed with guilt knowing someone got seriously hurt ( or even died) when I could have done something to help.
  22. Girls who dress too revealing. (appearance says alot about an individual)Girls who talk too much or are constantly bitching about others. (can't be trusted)No ambition.More than one baby father.
  23. ^ I wouldn't say that's a weakness, but it depends how you look at it.Don't tone it down either, I respect people who are brave enough to speak their mind.For me..my weakness is paranoia, I'm too quick to jump to conclusions. The good thing is that I keep alot of it to myself.
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