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Everything posted by CurryMan

  1. effesfgo[ gjgw ogjjgo wj FUCKING HELL MAN LIKE PAVARD SO CLEAN
  2. pogbas brothers looked disgusted
  3. hard to predict. Argentina have looked Dusty....but France havent wowed me either. France have the better goalie...although the Armani guy looked a better option to Willy. Depends how the teams come out. France need to utilise the fact they got pace going forward and fluster argentina back line coz them man are slow. / If Uruguay can keep their defence solid and Godin is on his A Game ...i cant see portugal winning. Portugal need to make sure they control the game in the middle of the park as Uruguay aint too strong in the middle but Portugal have looked dead since Spain game. From when Iran & Morocco defence gave portugal issues ...i duno how they are gonna break down uruguay defence
  4. And u still want malinkovic-savic (6ft 3)
  5. not gonna lie....this chick does something for me. She got the sauce...thru the roof. This beat is cold as well. Sounds like they sampled this
  6. Can't compare man who was roundhouse kicking cinder blocks to a man who was dancing to cotton eye Joe at school disco
  7. Looking at the knockouts Croatia in the final looks very possible
  8. And they filmed it on the westway pitch Infront of Grenfell...I see dem
  9. *busses old school skanks to the zed bias*
  10. Maradona with the up.middle fingers and calling guys puto. Roadman rojo
  11. Yeh strong style. My boy pulled out last month. Original plan was to stay at his in Liverpool and then we drive down..if it wasn't that I would of gone MK one myself. Luckily got another don to roll and he's paid for the ticket etc.
  12. working a double shift coz some dons on holiday. Played football last night in the most hood league ive ever played in lol.. One man was playing with grills i finish 3 the rest of the week so more football and enjoying the outdoors, handing in my resignation end of week as well. Time to move onto better tings. Saturday im just gonna be out tryna find nature. Sunday im going Manny for some wrestling event .
  13. The Garage in Islington would be a good spot IMO Nothing too big.
  14. My girl is Brazilian anyway and is fire. But still. That newness was looking very appealing. If I ever see that girl again I'll take it as a sign. Doubt it though
  15. Some young Brazilian girl started initiating casual convo with me at the train station Everything was green light Attractive Early 20s Here for one more month Lives alone whilst here ... Talking all on the train...she gets off, she even prompted me with the "I'm getting off now" and glanced....im looking at her walk off into the distance whilst my brain is saying "yo...number...name...what u doing?" Same time im on the train going home where I live with my partner. Feel I made the right decision morally but I know this one is gonna haunt me for a minute.
  16. He is about to get a MASSSSSSIVE payout
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