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Guest I.B.Blackman
my net f*cked up for 3 weeks back in '05 n it was like i was comin off heroin, never realised how much i relied on it
trust me last summer my computer broke down and i waited for like a month to get it repaired, i felt like my life was on pause.I tried to go out everyday and when I was at home I just watched tv. So boring.
boyyy happened to me time ago. it was f*cked...nowadays i think what did i use to do before i had internet.
happnd 2 me stilman was scratchin ma arm n twitchin 4 a good 3 weeks
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i never clock how much i use the net until i dont have it.
see itman start walking round the house doing stupidnes like kicking cusions to play footballor f*ck alldreamcast days were the worst because i used to play chu chu rocket online with my bredrins still
LMAOThat had me rolling
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Time really des fly when you're on her. I almost burnt my dinner one time when I decided to come on here whilst it was cooking.

my net f*cked up for 3 weeks back in '05 n it was like i was comin off heroin, never realised how much i relied on it
E-crack.I didn't have internet for a month-longest month of my life.
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