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Swag Kissers

Soca Junkie

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Teach them, I'd say, I love it when kisses are like this.. and proceed to be in control. I had this one guy who was disgusting, overly generous with his saliva and seemed to want down my throat. I tried teaching him 2 times. Didn't work so I said f*ck it, and began to be the third wheel on my friends date haha

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My x wasnt the greatest kisser, its not that he cldnt kiss, he just didnt kiss how I liked & he wasnt even big on kissing so I doubt he cared. We were very upfront w eachother, but I never had the heart to tell him I didnt like how he kissed. My bf b4 him was an amazing kisser, I cld almost orgasm ( slight exaggeration) from just his kiss, but then he was crap in bed. SO u gotta outweight the bad & the good.Kissing someone w no lips makes me cringe, I on a few dates w one guy, his lips were really thin & kissing him made me want to vomit.

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