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There was also one time in Neasden shopping centre, at night, where it is full of drunks, I was waiting for my Burger from Charlies and this bald man was riding a bicycle, he just FELL OFF his bicycle out of nowhere, like some invisible man pushed him from the side. It was just random. Especially when there was a big "SLAP" and his bald head just bounced back off the pavement like a bit of rubber. It was like a cartoon.

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I remember me and my bredrin coming home on the bus and I said to some guy from school who was baiding (for a school kid)Me: Who gives you all your doe? You've always got pees...Him: Arr just my mum innitMe: Come on man as if your Mum would give you that, I bet it's your Dad innit?!?!Him: Narr my Dad's dead...Me: *serious face* Oh...I turns round and looked at my bredrin Josh as if to say "f*ckery innit" and all I see is him struggling HARD not to laugh. Tru say when I saw that I had to stop myself laughing hard...then when Josh got off the bus he properly starts CREASIN and leaves me upstairs on my one wid dis yout...f*ckery still

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There's too many situations where I started creasing during bad times. It makes it funnier swear down.One time I was with my friend and he was going to pick up his girl, she gets a call from her friend in Jamaica. You know when you can hear the other person on the line cos they're shouting, well we could hear that. My friends girl was like "Calm down calm down call the police, they couldn't of got far"."You'll find a way off getting back""The phone means nothing".Turns out she got moved to in Jamaica, phone gone, passport gone, money gone, dignity gone.I started laughing cos my friend said "Banana boat is her", his girl switched at us. Couldn't stop laughing.
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One time I must have ended up at one Christian music show somehow (I wasn't told it was a God thing). So I'm there as a friend from school was performing. And anyways, her cousin was coming, and her cousin calls me to coem and get her. So anyways, we are in there watching the performances, some of which were very good. Then, this group of 2, a boy and girl come on stage. The girl starts singing and it's cool, but then the guy started singing. I swear, it sounded like man swallowed a brick. And I couldn't help but do one of those outburst laughs that you can't help but come out. After that, I had to keep trying to take deep breaths and firming my face, but my friend's cousin couldn't stop sniggering, and so I was laughing because she was. I so glad we weren't laughing loud. I would have felt like a right c*nt, but I would give anuything to be in that moment again because it was one of the funniest things I've heard.

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I remember me and my bredrin coming home on the bus and I said to some guy from school who was baiding (for a school kid)Me: Who gives you all your doe? You've always got pees...Him: Arr just my mum innitMe: Come on man as if your Mum would give you that, I bet it's your Dad innit?!?!Him: Narr my Dad's dead...Me: *serious face* Oh...I turns round and looked at my bredrin Josh as if to say "f*ckery innit" and all I see is him struggling HARD not to laugh. Tru say when I saw that I had to stop myself laughing hard...then when Josh got off the bus he properly starts CREASIN and leaves me upstairs on my one wid dis yout...f*ckery still
Lol...I hate them ones. You know it aint even funny but when you see your bredrin trying to keep it in (viens bussin out of foreheads, red eye and everything) it makes you buss up. The worst ones are when in secondary school you got in trouble and you had to go to the headmasters office to get told off. You see in the corner of your eye your bredrin trying his hardest to not laugh.
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the bus the doors closed and started driving with man just trapped half in and half out 4 like 5 seconds
yeh sumfing like this happend to me and my boy still. We were both running for the bus and i jus got on then the doors closed and his body got all squashed up inbetween them, den he started cussin the bus driver callin him an immagrant n all sorts. I was bussin up for time, den wen we got to where we was goin i must of fell on the floor creasing up so much jus the way his body got all twiss up in the doors it was too much.
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When i was walking with my mum,side to side,linking arms and i turned to look at her when she was speaking, i looked away briefly,looked back and she was halfway buckling to the floor. I stopped there and looked down at her on the floor and just started laughing. I helped her up but still...Allow laughing at my mum.

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Oh yeah, and at christmas midnight mass once (I aint religious, it was peer presure) I was in the little hallway bit outside because the church was packed, so there were loads of people standing in there like myself, I see this charity leaflet on the side with some starving, fly around bumhole, third world Somalian it made me laugh because at the same time everyone in the church was singing..."Ahhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhh" you know that sh*t they sing on midnight mass? I had to turn the page, when I did, on the next page their was a f*cking backside of a WARTHOG and it had a massive pair of bollocks and everyone was still singing "ahhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhh" I looked up and everyones faces were wobbling whilst they were singing... I started cracking up and I knocked the dish of holy water off the stand by the enterance. Everyone was just staring.

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When i was walking with my mum,side to side,linking arms and i turned to look at her when she was speaking, i looked away briefly,looked back and she was halfway buckling to the floor. I stopped there and looked down at her on the floor and just started laughing. I helped her up but still...Allow laughing at my mum.
Truesay when I fell down the stairs a couple years ago my mum laughed at me.
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