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You can buy your hair if won't grow, you can fix your nose if he says so.


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Purely on looks I'm a 5 because I am overweight.I am working on that, gonna order my freestanding punchbag and wrist weights tomorrow.

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Facially, average, I aint busted but I am nothing extra special, saying that though, when I have professional make up and just have my hair done at a salon, I feel highest of highs.HATE:I hate my hair, I'm naturally curly, but because I've spent my life ironing it straight, it's a wavy mass of uncontrollable hair. It aint sure wether it's curly or straight anymore. I also hate my forehead, it's big. Body wise, hate it, infact I used to hide it under loads of tracksuits because people took the piss, I've only learnt to accept it, OK, I'm very slim, size 8, tried everything to get bigger I've always been cussed for being skinny. But f*ck it, some women would kill to eat whatever they like without needing a diet, so I may aswell enjoy it, plus I am made for skinny jeans. LOVE:Strange but I love my stretchmarks, I have a few but they are my baby scars. My son made them. I love my eyes, they're browny green with a THICK black rim round them, my skin is probably my best feature as I have no spots, etc, plus I inherited my dads darker skin tone so I am naturally tanned looking. I do get kicks from merking people such as Neyos sister and Doug though.

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Guest MessyGyal

Id say im average in the looks department i dont consider myself uglyim happy with my looks facially but body wise i could be alot slimmer as im a fatty but to be honest with you i am happy with myself as have never had it be an issue for me relationship wise. I hate my boobies i wish they were smaller by a couple of bra sizes.I like my hair although it used to be better dying and straightning has messed it up a bit but i still like it and am greatful i dont have to rock a weave. II also love my skin tone.

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Id say im average in the looks department i dont consider myself uglyim happy with my looks facially but body wise i could be alot slimmer as im a fatty but to be honest with you i am happy with myself as have never had it be an issue for me relationship wise. I hate my boobies i wish they were smaller by a couple of bra sizes.I like my hair although it used to be better dying and straightning has messed it up a bit but i still like it and am greatful i dont have to rock a weave. II also love my skin tone.
Why do u want smaller bitties for?Anyway to the topic. I think every individual as something on hi/her tht they are insecure about. Even the pengest thing in the world.
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