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the shittest experience you've had at work


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yesterday i was workin and this guys oder was ready (take away) so the manager goes to me give him the pizza, im like cool i give it to him and hes like cheers, my manager goes oh offer him a drink so im like what do you want he says coke, i give it to him he smiles at me and goes cheers mate and walks out. ten minutes later a collection comes i go to put his money in the till and then i notice the previous taken hasn't been marked as paid, i asked ali where di dhe pay. he looks at me like ''didn't you take money off him?'' bare in mind i didn't take the order either he's in debt, but im just pissed that that prick walked out the shop smiling and sayin cheers, and i gave him a free coke aswell takes the f*ckin piss. ill never forget that face i swear i get vexewd just typin about it so add yours

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yesterday mornin was pretty badthis man calls up sayin y has he had a judgement, when he agreed a payment plan of £5 a week, y is the court making him pay another £5i tried to tell him he already had a claim on his account and filled in the admissions form, further fackin more its nothing to do with me, enforcements need to deal with itso i called enforcements, the bitch is like well jus tell him this this an that and refused to take over the callmans there shouting at me for a good half an hour -ITS YOUR FAULT, AND NOW UR TRYIN TO DIG URSELF OUT OF WHOLEim like nooo, im not in a whole matebare in mind this was 8.00 in the mornin, the first call of the dayjus had to end it with, thanks for your call mr shitface - i didnt say that eitherso hard to not tell these cunts to f*ck off

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being surrounded by 6 pikeys (4 with their shirt off) whilst i was on my ones at the till. f*ck it i let them take what they want.
when i worked in sportsworld this pikey family came in and the woman cudnt read and asked me wat sizes the shoes were. they was bout 5 of em and they made a right mess on the shopfloor.
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customers moaning that their bathroom has callapsed on them on a bank holiday monday , me having to explain to them that they will have to call a plumber out as no bathroom fitters are working bank holiday and we ( the company ) will pay for the bill , them the customers not having this and moaning their heads off for 10 minutes in some accent i cant understandlike i give a fcuk your bathroom has callasped on you

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im always arguing with customerserm the most embarassing was one time when i was pulling some 6ft cage thing..was walking backwards chatting to my boy..whilst eyeing up some chick who was a friend of a colleague...im not looking behind me an theres some stool tripped over that (stayed on my feet) nuff people laughingstyled it nicely

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