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www.xl.comThen go to the holiday offers section. All inclusive section.I found a number of offers for Barbados for a week, including hotel for around £500 and a bit over per person.I was on it, but right now, most of my funds are going towards getting a car.

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If your going to an English speaking island in the Carribean there's no point unless your going Jamaica.Real talk. If you just like beaches and not much activity than them places will be sufficient I guess, but Negril has a sick beach, 7 miles to be precise, its just real quiet all year apart from Independence weekend when the best event in th world goes down.RTI >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SpringbreakIf your not looking to go at that time of year, go Ocho Rios. Its lively up there all year round. They got sick all-inclusive hotels or you can go self-catering at Columbus Heights (I recommend) and go into the all-inclusives such as Jamaica Grande in the day where you can do activities such as Jet Skiing, Scuba Diving and them sort of water activities for a small fee, then go 'bout you business in the night and explore the night-life. You can go to the clubs where they play music or if you and your man are feeling to watch some live porno then go to Shades!!!But if you want to see the real Jamaica, then there really is no better place than Kingston. f*ck what you've heard, aslong as you avoid TG, Waricker Hill, Spanglers, Grant's Pen, Denom Town, Casava Piece, Papine, Mountain View, Stanpipe, August Town and some other areas, then your bless! In the day you can go to attractions such as Emancipation Park and see an amazing park, go Devon House and get ice cream for about $150 (just over £1) for a cone then chill on the grounds. You can also shop in the Soverign centre if Half Way Tree is a bit too hood for you.Night times where it gets exciting with a different hot night spot everyday of the week. Hot Monday's Early Tuesdays, Weddy Wednesday's or Quad, Bembe (on Thursday), then I cant remember what goes down on a Friday but I know its something.After you've digested that, I dont know how you can even consider going anywhere else and I never even told you that the parties held in Jamaica are copied by the rest of the islands, so its not even the real ting. They all rave to Reggae of some sort. On top of that, they all envy our food. So why not go to the home and experience the music, taste the food and ketch di vibes, even learn some new talk.Trust me LOG, the rest of the Carribean is just Beaches, Jamaica is a country!!!Disclaimer: that sales pitch was 100% unbiased and is based on my own experience in Jamaica and what others say about the other islands. Think people's grandparents retire in Barbados and them beaches and come back every year. Jamaicans only come back for health reasons. What does that say?p.s. I know your rich and Jamaica could so with some of your pee'sRass didnt even realise it was that long. Jamaican tourist board needs to hire me

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WOW Numz thanks for that insight into JA still. You got me confuzzled now. He said time ago that he wanted to go to JA and I was considering it but I did kinda want a straight beach holiday but now...I'm changing my mind...I would be going in Oct/Nov time so what would you recommend for activities then?My friend is grenadan but she said its boring there...I would do the all inclusive with the water sports ting, sounds live...Whats the proximity of Ocho Rios so Kingston? Coz now I'm thinking do the beach ting and then head into the capital for the shopping and stuff as well as the parks and all that stuff.Sounds live! That way I can get both experiences of JA.

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Its a day thing. They have shuttle bus services that go directly from Ochie to Kingston. Would estimate it takes about 3hrs. I dont think it cost a lot neither maybe £20 return max which may sound a lot but think about train or cab costs over here for that sort of distance.I havent been North Coast in time so I cant remember.

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Whoa Numero...you sound spot on.Last time i visited JA was xmas/ny 1999...was live stil.I thought Shades would have close down by now, dont ask me why lol me and boys caught some jokes in there.My Parents house is in country....St Mary to be precise, so only a short distance from Ochi.I've heard a lots changed/improved since then...which is good. I'm gonna see if I can make my way out there next year.

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Whoa Numero...you sound spot on.Last time i visited JA was xmas/ny 1999...was live stil.I thought Shades would have close down by now, dont ask me why lol me and boys caught some jokes in there.My Parents house is in country....St Mary to be precise, so only a short distance from Ochi.I've heard a lots changed/improved since then...which is good. I'm gonna see if I can make my way out there next year.
Ow you meen? Jamaica is my 2nd home. Been there 8 times now incl. 6 times between 90-00 and twice this year (I was slipping and on some Yank tip. Pah! what a fool I was then), so I know it real wellBlud, you should see the highway, looks better than the M25!!! Got signs and lane markings and looks proper. I think they charge $60 which is less than 50p and cuts down driving times by hours. It feels like your in a different country compared to the country roads.
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