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Congestion charge took my 9 grand whip...


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The punto is gone.6 unpaid congestion charges.they wanted £700I refused to payThey come clamp and tak the car.I don't care thoughDo you know why?Because I'm a gangster.p.s f*ck batty man Ken Livingstone he can suck his mothers cum juice after his grandad has mashed it with a rolling pin, the prick.

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OMG!Is that true!?!?Go pay the £700 and get it back.
Can't be bothered.I'll just get a new one.p.s Just to also let you know that the car is on finance.. they CANNOT auction the car because it has finance on it. They also CANNOT crush the car because it does not belong to me but to the finance company. They shot themselves in the foot because either way that car or the money for it has to go straight to the finance company.. in the meantime I have changed address and have never lived at this address.
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pissed. congestion charge is one reason why im glad im from out of london £700 though, deep.i just hpe they dont bring in the new law all around the country where they charge you per mile with prices varying between busy and non busy routes. that will f*ck man up

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pissed. congestion charge is one reason why im glad im from out of london £700 though, deep.i just hpe they dont bring in the new law all around the country where they charge you per mile with prices varying between busy and non busy routes. that will f*ck man up
If there's a way in then theres a way out.They got more chance getting money out of Alan sugar then they do me.(no sendage to Spurs, I am a yid.. it just made sense because he's a tight c*nt)
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i thought i was pissed got my first parkin ticket the other daylooool i tried thisI am a student currently studying my 2nd year of A levels at Hertford regional. On the day in question I borrowed my Uncles car to purchase required texts for my English course, as I knew there was a Waterstones in Enfield I thought it would be a good choice. On arrival I noticed the clearly displayed pay and display notices around the parking area. So as soon as I parked I approached the meter and purchased a ticket that would cover an hour’s stay, as the sole purpose of my visits was to purchase one particular book. I displayed the ticket within clear view and proceeded to Waterstones, and after much searching it turned out that Waterstones didn’t stock the book and would have to order it in. After giving them my details I left the shop and then remembered that there was also a WHSmiths store so I went and checked there and I found the book. I had to now return to Waterstones and cancel my order. As this was done, I realised that my parking ticket maybe expiring so I quickly returned but I realised it was too late. I have trouble organizing my hours with my work due to college, and I am barely able to support myself on this course, and I even had trouble organizing the monies to purchase the required texts. My uncle lent me the car as a favour and I wouldn’t want him to pay my mistake, so I can’t just ignore the ticket and give him a problem. I understand that the ticket I had purchased had expired and that this is simply the regulations, but I must stress that the penalty charge is exceedingly high for me to pay, and this is on top of me already purchasing a ticket. I returned to the car within half an hour of the ticket expiring and I apologise, I hope you can overlook this as a minor infraction. I have included all evidence including the purchased ticket. Thank you for your time and consideration.lmfaothe moniesthaey plainfaced me still5 star plainface

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f*ck Ken Livingston and the C-Charge, I'll pretty much vote for anybody as long as they get rid of it and reduce transport costs.
No way are they gonna get rid of it, nor will they reduce it by much. That sh*t makes bare moneySpeeding camera's are what the bastard needs to get rid of at night timeI was driving the other day down a route that I take alot and I know where all the speeding cam's were, but everytime I drove past one bit I kept seeing the markings on the road and I would be speeding but never ever saw a cam or seen it flash, the other day I saw the cam biggrin.gifMy car's not currently registered to me 'cause of some mix-up with DVLA but I'm hoping it hasnt caught me otherwise I'm sure I'm banned.
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