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So whose done magic mushrooms before? (no junkie)


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a few of my mates were once playing football and gettin high smokin weed on some field and these guys from my end were there doing mushrooms and i swear one was rolling around on the floor screamin sayin get the spiders off me lol and he pissed himself he was that scared and they just stood there laughing

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once u get there u goin to be offered a few if u go to the smart shop, or the la canna shop. Theres mild ones, medium ones and strong ones. the stronger ones means theres alot more visual effects, sound effects, and you zone out differently, at the begining it feels jokes but it goes waaaaaaay deep and it lasts longer, about a whole day and a bit after. if you haven't got a strong enough mentality i doubt u should dabble with these. the stronger ones as u will be told are columbians. the medium ones are like a bit visual, and you zone out abit, but u will be laughin mostly for a few hours, but theres not huge trip involved. MExicans are like the mild ones, you will laugh and zone out very slightly, but the skunk should over power these, so you'll just get the laughin effect for a few hours IF its your first time. you should go for mexicans if its your first time so u can see how u react to them, they taste like mushrooms i don't see the doo doo deal.
all of thatand do the Columbianswooooooooooooooooooooo!
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my friend tried them wen we went amsterdam, but she ate before she took em and ur meant to try em on a empty stomach so they had no effect on her.f*ck tryin them at all, my friends man thought he was gonna die wen he took em and woke up in the shower drenched cause he left the tap runnin all night.

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Some of the chicks in the RDL are SEXY.I remember after the sex show (WHICH WAS ONE OF THE FUNNIEST THINGS I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE) we were walking back and I see a chick, that had mel like, f*ck IT! might-aswellBUTNear her were pure f*cked up guys, blatently on some kidnapping guys for passport hustle or something and I was with 2 any guys from college. I WAS SOOO PISSED.Them man even started following us and one of the guys I was with run off cos he was soo shook. I convienced the other to stand his ground and just look normal. Never roam round there on your Js still. ORBuy cocaine from the random African man saying "Cocaina?" as you walk past..

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