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Inherited a house what should I do with it?


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rent it out swiftly!!money for nothing (pretty much)and you can use the money they give you to save up a deposit for your own house, then you can have two with one paying for the mortgage on the other!!(it might not be a easy as that but thats the initial plan)

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A family member died and I have received a 380k house. I currently have no job and Iâm only 18 years old. Should I keep the house and live in it or would it be better to sell it or rent it out? Iâm hoping to go Uni next year as well. Looking for hustlers like the t shirt guy n lady game (sp?) to give some advice sfe.
NEVER SELL ITNEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVERjust keep it as an asset and maintain it within what you can managesublet via a LEGAL companyDONT DO IT WITH FAMILY
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sellin ti will b dumb IMOat his age that kinda mony he'd prob waste itu cnt have that kinda P jus sittin around n do nothinrent it so it comes regularly n u can live good, then afterwards sell it if u wish when u need to settle down etc keep it n live in it or sell it n buy sutin else

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Sell it, u dont need a whole hse just u 1 @ 18, unless u move ur fam in (Ive nto read replies) too. At ur age if my fam had a hse already Id sell it, buy a lil flat & let the rest of the money collect interest.Lucky u btw, I am very envious.
A house will increase in value 2363735473X more than money sitting in a rahtid clart blank.Coupled with the rent you will also get.Keep it fam.Dont let anyone tell you otherwise.
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