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post ur bank balance????????


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last time i looked jus ova £250 but my other half put a nice lumpsum in 4 me 2day!!My savings is lookin very healthy but wen i do da big baby shoppin both accounts will feel it!
Haven't u started already?!?!? My lil one has the most clothes already, omg there so cute & cheap at the baby age. Im having my baby shower in 2 wks too so more gifts for her yay!!Cribs are well dere, the ones that turn into a bed & are made of good sturdy wood, sheesh, she best beomce rich when shes older as she'll owe me!!
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hahahah this was from all from resellin lol JOKE . . .jus knew how to save money and didnt get it from hair cutting . . . im still training and gettin sh*t money but when im done ill be laughing . . .
not hating but be realyou made 9k from reselling? or 9k in addition to the other 14k + in your account at the age of 20ish?o_O
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hahahah this was from all from resellin lol JOKE . . .jus knew how to save money and didnt get it from hair cutting . . . im still training and gettin sh*t money but when im done ill be laughing . . .
Good on ya lad!Reselling does make p though dont even joke about that.Large up me making 2K on a 200 purchase HA.But right about now i need to save like crazy.Need to get that Volkswagen Golf GTi.Oh and the Range..... biggrin.gif
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