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lol @ believing wat u read in the papers.esp the news of the worldand as i said b4 lol @ any1 who thinks there really strugglingthere kids will have all the gadgets necessary and these guys know how to kick up a fuss so they get wat they need at least,ashmans on his grizzly now and who knows mite be prime minister by the time his firstborn is five,these are simply the salad days which many young couples must endurethere really are a lot worse off people out there trast,there situation is not the most ideal situation but its far from the worst,there not dunce im sure them and there youngsters will be fine,all the best to them imo
To tell you the truth I trust the paper over anything that comes out of Ashmans mouth.If the sun said the sky was purple and Ashman said it was blue, no prizes for guessing who I would believe (Hint : Ashman, when would the sky be purple? But you get the point). I know they are not stuggling per se, it is more the mere fact they are on benefits. Lol at Ashman being the prime minister ever. I would officially deem England waste and invade. It is the worse really. Homeless is not an option because the kids would be taken away, and what is lower then welfare? It is also like two in the morning so if any of my post is complete sh*t it is because I have been up since five.
wats worse than welfare is a single teenage mother on welfarei am able to take wat they declare of there situation with a pinch of salt, since most of it is posted to fit there anti-immigrants argument,hence why i say i doubt there rly strugglingdo you rly not know any familys or individuals that collect benefits and also have other sources of income?if any1 is waste it is the government for having such a lenient welfare system and going to war and then spending double the amount housing those it goes to war with,thus with the state of idiosyncratic burockracy we are living in,i have no doubt ashman will be able to become prime ministerlike i say,its not the best case scenario or the most noble of ways to live but it is real life,thats just the way it goes,take wat u can or sum1 else will. im sure a large number of you will in some way receive benefits from the state over the course of yr lives.or maybe yr parents did while they were raising you,do you wish u never existed as a result? maybe this means they will have less leverage in terms of arguing pointless arguments on hear who can say,but not evry1 has the oppurtunity to put themselves in the ideal situation b4 having kids,u have to take life as it comesand LMFAOO @ Dr Doom needing sleep - any guy
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lol @ believing wat u read in the papers.esp the news of the worldand as i said b4 lol @ any1 who thinks there really strugglingthere kids will have all the gadgets necessary and these guys know how to kick up a fuss so they get wat they need at least,ashmans on his grizzly now and who knows mite be prime minister by the time his firstborn is five,these are simply the salad days which many young couples must endurethere really are a lot worse off people out there trast,there situation is not the most ideal situation but its far from the worst,there not dunce im sure them and there youngsters will be fine,all the best to them imo
To tell you the truth I trust the paper over anything that comes out of Ashmans mouth.If the sun said the sky was purple and Ashman said it was blue, no prizes for guessing who I would believe (Hint : Ashman, when would the sky be purple? But you get the point). I know they are not stuggling per se, it is more the mere fact they are on benefits. Lol at Ashman being the prime minister ever. I would officially deem England waste and invade. It is the worse really. Homeless is not an option because the kids would be taken away, and what is lower then welfare? It is also like two in the morning so if any of my post is complete sh*t it is because I have been up since five.
wats worse than welfare is a single teenage mother on welfarei am able to take wat they declare of there situation with a pinch of salt, since most of it is posted to fit there anti-immigrants argument,hence why i say i doubt there rly strugglingdo you rly not know any familys or individuals that collect benefits and also have other sources of income?if any1 is waste it is the government for having such a lenient welfare system and going to war and then spending double the amount housing those it goes to war with,thus with the state of idiosyncratic burockracy we are living in,i have no doubt ashman will be able to become prime ministerlike i say,its not the best case scenario or the most noble of ways to live but it is real life,thats just the way it goes,take wat u can or sum1 else will. im sure a large number of you will in some way receive benefits from the state over the course of yr lives.or maybe yr parents did while they were raising you,do you wish u never existed as a result? maybe this means they will have less leverage in terms of arguing pointless arguments on hear who can say,but not evry1 has the oppurtunity to put themselves in the ideal situation b4 having kids,u have to take life as it comesand LMFAOO @ Dr Doom needing sleep - any guy
blad climb out of their f*cking assthis guy takes pleasure in the fact that he's getting paid for laying on his f*cking asshe has no intention on workinghe is scum personifiedI hope is family struggle for the rest of their lives.end of discussiondon't argue
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blad climb out of their f*cking assthis guy takes pleasure in the fact that he's getting paid for laying on his f*cking asshe has no intention on workinghe is scum personifiedI hope is family struggle for the rest of their lives.end of discussiondon't argue
rudeboy relax yr hair dont get it twistedim not in any1s arsemy posts have all been a precise blend wereby one hand washes the otherthey say this sh*t about benefits to wind people up wen they lose an argumentif u cant set that aside and congratulate them on a pregnancy then u got a problem or yr one of these guys pining for ceazyonce again i doubt none of u dont know people or are related to people who live on benefits do u wish the worst on them because of this? its not like there war criminals there just a couple of kids like i said the fact he takes pride in not working is just to save face on an internet forum by winding people up about itmaybe hes a work shy dreamer but ceazy knew this wen she married him im sure theyve got an unlimited source of cash to fall back on if they ever hit rock bottom people shudnt worry for them so muchthe guy is going to colij even hes working towards a better future for his kids obviously u can feel free to hate on them or watever its got nothing to do with me,just thought id elaborate on my posts wen confrontedeach to there own
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blad climb out of their f*cking assthis guy takes pleasure in the fact that he's getting paid for laying on his f*cking asshe has no intention on workinghe is scum personifiedI hope is family struggle for the rest of their lives.end of discussiondon't argue
rudeboy relax yr hair dont get it twistedim not in any1s arsemy posts have all been a precise blend wereby one hand washes the otherthey say this sh*t about benefits to wind people up wen they lose an argumentif u cant set that aside and congratulate them on a pregnancy then u got a problem or yr one of these guys pining for ceazyonce again i doubt none of u dont know people or are related to people who live on benefits do u wish the worst on them because of this? its not like there war criminals there just a couple of kids like i said the fact he takes pride in not working is just to save face on an internet forum by winding people up about itmaybe hes a work shy dreamer but ceazy knew this wen she married him im sure theyve got an unlimited source of cash to fall back on if they ever hit rock bottom people shudnt worry for them so muchthe guy is going to colij even hes working towards a better future for his kids obviously u can feel free to hate on them or watever its got nothing to do with me,just thought id elaborate on my posts wen confrontedeach to there own
yak yak yaki can and will only take him by his e-personahe is an ignorant self righteous prick who contradicts himself on so many levelsi'll say it againi hope his family struggle for the rest of their sorry little livesP.S. I'll give their hopeless marriage another 3 years tops
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Surely you should think about getting a job and a stable environment to bring up the first child before getting your wife pregnant with the second.About man... you must be on something.
It is Allah's will.Have you not learned anything?This world means nothing compared to the paradise that will come in the end.In life, there is no such thing as a "stable enviroment", because life constantly changes.People are making funny jokes about a child who is not here yet to defend itself and people are making jokes about me and my wife but understand that one day, when you are to meet your maker and you ask allah to take you serious, he will laugh at you and take no pity to your begging but remember the times when you took fun to one of his creations.
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I swear Ashman even complained about people in poverty in other countries continually breeding.oh the irony.
No I did not complain.Every life is a gift and I aprieciate that. It is you people and the hypocrisy within your hearts being the reason why I showed you how your words are transparent and consisted of double standards.
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Thank you for the congrats to those that gave them and special thanks to Social, who seems to understand better then anyone else.May I just state that I have never been anti-immigration. Like immigrants to this country, I share the same experiences which are; My own country offers me nothing, My own people dispise me to the hand of others and I cannot get properly housed.So yes, I do know where immigrants are coming from.Time will show people that do not see. I have faced situations in my life and I have done everything within my power and grasp to get the things that my family need to survive.I have stuck by my wife and my son through thick and thin. I have supported them through everything and have left either of their side for no less then a second. I am not a quitter and I do not give up easy. I treat my woman right and I am a good father. MAYBE this is what Ceazy see's in me.Your approval means nothing. I am not here to gain your worship or praise.As for skegness...how about Disney?http://www.vip2.co.uk/forum/index.php?auto...=si&img=442

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LMAO @ Ashman. When did Allah enter your life bruh? And LOL @ you acting like you haven't complained about immigrants. Isn' hat you and Ceazy's act on here? What are you going to talk about if that isn't on the cards. I wish you the best of luck with the second one. But as I said before...

Lewisham borough take another L
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