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is it just my neighbours?

Guest MessyGyal

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My bredrins mum used to scream at man from downstairs"ALFRED, COME DOWNSTAIRS FOR THE DIN-AH!!"Used to have to stop myself from busting up in his eye lol.
lmfaoi no bout dem 1swen ma mums nigerian frens come roundthere youts will go in the next room 2 playand wen its time to gothey shout their kids names at the top of their voiceOPAHYEMIIIIIII COME DOWN DI STAIRS IT IS TIME 2 GO
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My mums friend is Nigerian and she says that is one thing that she does not like when she goes there (this woman was fostered by a white family though)Get used to it you are living in "Little Lagos" as it is now called, your child is likely to hook up with an African and your family will be closer to Africa, than anything else so you might aswell embrace it.http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/4182341.stm

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You know what, its blacks full stop. We are generally loud and aggresive.Living next to Africans or Caribbeans does not matter, you'll hear their business.How can I know why the yout next door got in his class test then hear the amazing clap he got? My walls aint thin as well.
loolI had REALLY loud white neighbours when I lived in Cricklewood though.1 peng little white slosher would always scream at her brother "STEVEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNN"Anytime of the day or night.
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I walked past the house of some of my cracker.....i mean white neighbours...and they were chatting like normal with their doors and windows closed but they were still disturbing
was that seriously an attempt at a joke
No. It happened this afternoon.
so this afternoon, you, a black male, was inspecting your neighbours doors n windows 2 check if they were lockedspleenr u tryin 2 fit a stereotype?
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You know what, its blacks full stop. We are generally loud and aggresive.Living next to Africans or Caribbeans does not matter, you'll hear their business.How can I know what the yout next door got in his class test then hear the amazing clap he got? My walls aint thin as well.
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I walked past the house of some of my white neighbours...and they were chatting like normal with their doors and windows closed but they were still disturbing
was that seriously an attempt at a joke
No. It happened this afternoon.
so this afternoon, you, a black male, was inspecting your neighbours doors n windows 2 check if they were lockedspleen
when did i say any of that? I said that i walked past...the way people normally walk past houses in order to travel from destination A to destination B, their windows were CLOSED (never said locked) and i could hear the whole conversation loudly.
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Yardies are the worst neighbours I had them on my road in the early 1990s, I just happened to live on the road they used to call the "frontline" before it got moved to Clarence Road E5 in Clapton. Police moved them out eventually...

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Try livin near a shop owned by Jamaicans that actually is a front rather than a shop. Guys gather out there all day chattin so the world can hear, Not to mention one havin some loud deep laugh like Frank Brunos.
lolnah stilldem indian ones that play them drums all night
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Try livin near a shop owned by Jamaicans that actually is a front rather than a shop. Guys gather out there all day chattin so the world can hear, Not to mention one havin some loud deep laugh like Frank Brunos.
lolnah stilldem indian ones that play them drums all night
lol I don't get no Indians playin drums at night round here they have more respect. U get set ones tho tha like to gether at houses throwin bottles tryin to sound like some young street gang even though they are all in their mid 30s
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Try livin near a shop owned by Jamaicans that actually is a front rather than a shop. Guys gather out there all day chattin so the world can hear, Not to mention one havin some loud deep laugh like Frank Brunos.
lolnah stilldem indian ones that play them drums all night
lol I don't get no Indians playin drums at night round here they have more respect. U get set ones tho tha like to gether at houses throwin bottles tryin to sound like some young street gang even though they are all in their mid 30s
lolinfact wot am i on about!!!! u white people in o.t are badi remember wen i wud stay at ma ex's they wud b a police van and ambulance on standby every night coz of the noisey white people always fightin at 2am
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lol Nar them days are over man, only ambulance and police i see on a regular basis are the ones comin to pick up Mr Singh when hes drunk and arguin with his misses. I remember being a kid though and my mum dad aunties n uncles always comin home from allys pub with blood on em sayin it was ketchup. We always knew they had been brawlin lol

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lol Nar them days are over man, only ambulance and police i see on a regular basis are the ones comin to pick up Mr Singh when hes drunk and arguin with his misses. I remember being a kid though and my mum dad aunties n uncles always comin home from allys pub with blood on em sayin it was ketchup. We always knew they had been brawlin lol
lol do mix race people stil stand outside their white babys mothers house wid a baseball bat and a pitbull sayin open the door or i'll f*cking kill ulmfaolangshawe street was siccmade this time last year
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