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What would you miss about the UK?


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Guest Dr. Doom
london underground
What could you possibly miss about the london underground? The friendly atmosphere?
I would miss it aswell.As bad as it may seem to us, its soooo much more better than most places.
Majority of other train stations >> London underground.
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london underground
What could you possibly miss about the london underground? The friendly atmosphere?
lolwen i'm in leicester i miss the undergroundthen wen i get there, within 5 secondsi think that i must have been taking crack in my sleep to miss that bastard of a system
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the weather, the food, the taxes, most of all the McCanns
Funny, they are missing a McCann too!
LOL. Going to hell.Football, the people, London!..Sense of Humour. NHSI do plan on leaving this country to work but will more then likely return.
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loads of people are gettin out this country these days,its becoming a joke now.the government, tax, all the asylum seekers, our future looks bleak!id go america or australia or even spain!
I hope your white...
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its been 2 months and i can happily say i dont miss sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitt. apart from family and friends who ill be seeing in december, and i have to keep an eye on certain runnings, theres nothing else apart from a short holiday i'd want to go to UK back for.

I can't people seriously who say they hate this country but wanna migrate to America which basically England on a bigger shitter scale.
'this is where ur so wrong, bcos its so different frm state to state, but on avg the standard in the US of living is higher, its more high tech, better service, better reward for your work and more opportunities and many others, but its not heaven, and theres bad things overall its just that its better to be poor in europe than the US.
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