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do you live with your father?


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no i dont live with my father , dont speak to him anymore , i used to on/off but then he crossed the line YET again.if my mother and father was still togther, sh*t would be so different , my childhood would of been a lot better for a start , i wouldnt of had a d*ckhead stepfather , thank god my mum found sense and got rid of him some years back. i blame my father for a lot of sh*t that has happened to me. im still very angry inside with him as he is a coward of a man and does not live up to his responsibilities.

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Nope, I've never lived with him, except for when I was little but I can't remember it.If he was around I think there would be alot less freedom for me.With or without that freedom I'd still morally be the same kid/guy I am today with dreams and ambitions.It's why you won't see me on road being a div cause I've got those ambitions in my head, and that's what the kids of today need, a father figure or dreams, without either of those two, they'll or I'll be out doing crimes like running up on your yard like wot!

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No, i donti used to then we chucked him outwe are closer nowand i have learnt that i share some of the bad personality traits he has, obviously they were passed down to meand i am determined to not make the same mistakes with my family that he has (divorced twice now and living alone that will not be me)

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Not since i was 10. I wldnt say its had a major effect on how I turend out as a person as I am who I am regardless. But things wld of been WAAAYYY different had he been around. I wldnt of got into the lil madness that I did as a young teen as 1. I wldnt of been living where I lived 2. I wld never of lived alone @ 16 3. I wldnt of been able to get away with what I did had he been there.Saying that, my mom did a good job & I turned out good..................... eventually. And had he been around things may of not hv been as good, who knows? Its not something one should dwell on.

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Not anymore as I got kicked out earlier this year, but I identity was shaped form before. At times I wish he wasn't the way he was, but certain values and lessons he taught me were invaluable. And little other things like forcing me to sit down and learn long division and long multiplication, and giving me writing and grammar exercises before I entered secondary school were definately worth it, and set me way ahead most of my peers, even though I hated it when I was doing it.Bu right now, I'm actaully happy I'm not living with him. Less freedom, and more fights would occur.

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