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Big Up The Broke as Fuck Crew!


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*makes it rain with 50 notes but cant dance cos of the flood*
better use some of them 50's to soak up the flood or repair the damage or suttin nucca
i meant the flood as in...flood of money. i.e making it rain. keep up bruv we already discussed weather being shook of the ends
sorry dargust thought with you up kingston, you woulda got victimised. . .
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sucks to be you

For some reason, i hate it when my account goes below £100. I feel broke if it does.I cnt even imagine how u ones are feeling.
for real. I feel like I have to start rationing when that happens.I've got my student loan + grant money, 500 from the uni last week, and i'm gettin paid next week biggrin.gif:D:D
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handed over £225 to my mum yesterday , i was like nooooooooo give it me back i bought her some half price flowers today , it always works with her , buy flowers * make sure the price tag has been removed * and say mummmmmmmm * puppy eyes * can i lend some money please.it always works , however il just be lending the money i owed her in the first place

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Guest ya_mum_and_ya_dad

Bang bang broke gang. What you know about £400 in overdraft with living expenses and no job or rich mumzie and pops. It ain't all that bad tho.

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I was close to being broke the over week but a weeks work of hustling i've managed to avoid it all.Just looking forward to the next week as im expect a few cheques and what not.So happy i made it my goal to get my finances in check, its really starting to pay off.

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