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In your phonebook

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Its between my old friends Bumpa and Shay.LOL Shay lives over seas so theres no chance I'd call her anyway. Its been about 6 yrs since she left LDN.Bumpa became a mum/video hoe, aint spoken to her in like 3 years. Txtd me at christmas to say hi and i never replied because i forgot and only JUST remembered. Ha.

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I've deleted most of the numbers of people I haven't spoken to in a while. But there's one former friends number in my phone that's been there for over a year now (and we haven't spoken for almost 2 years now). I should delete it, but it's one of them ones where I have second thoughts cos we used to be so tight, I don't even know why we don't talk.then there are

some numbers i keep cos i wanna know not to answer them when they ring.
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Loads of numbers I haven't spoken to for ages or ever.I am a very sociable person especially when drunk and people ask for my number, especially in my first year at uni.

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