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This country murdered competition, Aspiration, Creativity and Imagination for this generation


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The Great British empire spanned over a third of the globes surface. The people of britain were once opportunists who took advantage of our nations power.However, the "Its the taking part that counts" mentality and the "Jordan talks exclusively on her battle with Araknaphobia " way of mind that has murdered this once great nation.Whatever happened to spontaneity or Intelligence that made sure it never reached our generation?

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The Great British empire spanned over a third of the globes surface. The people of britain were once opportunists who took advantage of our nations power.However, the "Its the taking part that counts" mentality and the "Jordan talks exclusively on her battle with Araknaphobia " way of mind that has murdered this once great nation.Whatever happened to spontaneity or Intelligence that made sure it never reached our generation?
those things are not welcome in the modern workforce where mediocrity is the benchmark for success at every level
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Soon people will complain that they have to wipe their own ass after using a public restroom.Today on the bus I witnessed a 15 year old girl talk (brag) about her 2nd kid on the way. This boy that got on the bus who she knew looked about 17 and was talking about his 2 kids aswell. I felt like Jeremy Kyle watching 2 scroungers who are gonna live off benefits and OD by 21. This is where our country have failed.

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The Great British empire spanned over a third of the globes surface. The people of britain were once opportunists who took advantage of our nations power.However, the "Its the taking part that counts" mentality and the "Jordan talks exclusively on her battle with Araknaphobia " way of mind that has murdered this once great nation.Whatever happened to spontaneity or Intelligence that made sure it never reached our generation?
Life is like a d*ck it cannot stay hard and on top forever they shall come a time when will will lay sleepingEvery empire has its time on top and the british empire had its time When Empires on top the things they did will come back home to roost and eventually the empire will fallEmpires fall from within but always fall by pointing the finger to the outsideWhen people get too comfortable on the world stage they get lazy hence whats happening now
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Feel free 2 quote Me wenever u want
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The Great British empire spanned over a third of the globes surface. The people of britain were once opportunists who took advantage of our nations power.However, the "Its the taking part that counts" mentality and the "Jordan talks exclusively on her battle with Araknaphobia " way of mind that has murdered this once great nation.Whatever happened to spontaneity or Intelligence that made sure it never reached our generation?
Life is like a d*ck it cannot stay hard and on top forever they shall come a time when will will lay sleepingEvery empire has its time on top and the british empire had its time When Empires on top the things they did will come back home to roost and eventually the empire will fallEmpires fall from within but always fall by pointing the finger to the outsideWhen people get too comfortable on the world stage they get lazy hence whats happening now
i can't read your post its impossible my eyes keep lookin at ur sig
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Considering Mortgages are seen as a success, when infact they are a financial prison
...I don't understand....how else would u buy a house?
You never needed to previously, renting was sufficient and cheaper.
not really, when u rent ur basically paying someone else's mortgage for them. For the extra bit of dough a month u can own ur own home, that way after a few years, house prices rise and then u sell that motherf*cker!
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Considering Mortgages are seen as a success, when infact they are a financial prison
...I don't understand....how else would u buy a house?
You never needed to previously, renting was sufficient and cheaper.
making people realise that owning your home was better than renting for life, was never a bad thing.
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society is the way it is partly due to media, partly the corrupt system we live in. we are being dumbed down by the gov in order to make it easier for them to impose their will upon us.... half of what wer taught in school is bull (esp maths)the media is basically there to distract us from what is going on...people would rather watch cribs/jackass/big brother 29 than find out what is really going on and what the government has planned

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