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So moses was high when he claimed to be talking to god!!!!

The Somalian

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Guest AnkleMurda
Like I said somebody who dedicates their life to working in a children hospice (yes watching children die who are terminally ill big woop for free will) will burn in hell for eternity for not believing in god whereas a rapist paedophile killer can repent his sins on his deathbed and go to heaven.
Please dont even wanna be in somebodys heaven whos backward like that. I hate to say it but even Islam makes more sense than that. Actually judged on the good deeds you do.
Bruv I could swear if you don't accept Mohammed as Allah's messenger then your toast as well according to their belief.I know Christians and Jews, the ''People of the Book' can apparently go to Heaven according to their belief too, however I think it gives a warning to Christians that the idea of a three-person Godhead is the unforgivable sin of ''Shirk'' aka ''assigning parterns to Allah'' (or something like that). And the rest are gonna be toast I guess.
Oh my bad I thought Islam everybody eventually went to heaven based on their deeds but maybe its just religious people.But anyway LOL @ Islam and any other religion
Yep, belief apparently is the base of everything, some petty ish.It's not their fault that this *kmmtttt for 5 seconds* eediat Abrahamic God can't do his job properly. Demographics are what separates religion, notice how the Koran and the Bible only reflect the culture and geograpgical area of their areas (Israel, Saudi Arabia, Syria, basically the Middle East), but totally disregards other places such as China and many others? Same for other religions like Hinduism and Animism only being for their particular cultures.Why is this God more credible than the others?All of the above alone should tell you something ain't right.
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Guest AnkleMurda
Religion is the root to all evil. Not all religious people are evil though some of the kindest people in the world you meet are likely gonna be religious. But as long as there are conflicting beliefs regarding the way to the promised land theres always gonna be war.That and ignorant/evil people.
Exactly, but religious people, from what I've seen, are only being good just to get an eternal reward from this bitch-made cry-baby God, just saving their own necks. Pure arrogance if you ask me.I've approached religious people with this question so many times:''Don't you believe that everybody will be forgiven eventually, I mean God forgives all eventually, aint he all loving?''Then I often get this:''Then what's the point in me doing all this work?''You see how their facial expressions change HEH, like a whole new person.
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Guest Vaseline
ill open yr head top like the red sea and my buttrfly knife was moses
I ain't in boy better know but boy better know this.
i'm on a badboy ting, aint you noticed?
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Religion is the root to all evil. Not all religious people are evil though some of the kindest people in the world you meet are likely gonna be religious. But as long as there are conflicting beliefs regarding the way to the promised land theres always gonna be war.That and ignorant/evil people.
Exactly, but religious people, from what I've seen, are only being good just to get an eternal reward from this bitch-made cry-baby God, just saving their own necks. Pure arrogance if you ask me.I've approached religious people with this question so many times:''Don't you believe that everybody will be forgiven eventually, I mean God forgives all eventually, aint he all loving?''Then I often get this:''Then what's the point in me doing all this work?''You see how their facial expressions change HEH, like a whole new person.
Yup if thats the case then god is an egomaniac. All hes doing is what a pimp does to his prostitute. If you waste your life serving god when you could be taking drugs, having orgies and living it up then you will be rewarded with heaven.If a prostitute has sex with the pimps clients then he will reward her with money.Its the non-religious people that help others who are truly "good". They do it for no rewards just out of the kindness of their hearts whereas religious people are doing it not cos they wanna go to heaven but cos they dont wanna end up in hell.
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Guest AnkleMurda
Religion is the root to all evil. Not all religious people are evil though some of the kindest people in the world you meet are likely gonna be religious. But as long as there are conflicting beliefs regarding the way to the promised land theres always gonna be war.That and ignorant/evil people.
Exactly, but religious people, from what I've seen, are only being good just to get an eternal reward from this bitch-made cry-baby God, just saving their own necks. Pure arrogance if you ask me.I've approached religious people with this question so many times:''Don't you believe that everybody will be forgiven eventually, I mean God forgives all eventually, aint he all loving?''Then I often get this:''Then what's the point in me doing all this work?''You see how their facial expressions change HEH, like a whole new person.
Yup if thats the case then god is an egomaniac. All hes doing is what a pimp does to his prostitute. If you waste your life serving god when you could be taking drugs, having orgies and living it up then you will be rewarded with heaven.If a prostitute has sex with the pimps clients then he will reward her with money.Its the non-religious people that help others who are truly "good". They do it for no rewards just out of the kindness of their hearts whereas religious people are doing it not cos they wanna go to heaven but cos they dont wanna end up in hell.
Exactly, not moral at all.God truly is a prick, to me he seems even more evil than the Devil *straps vest ph34r.gif *. He's always talking about material things being bad and so on, but after he abused Job, he gave him everything he lost (money etc), EXCEPT HIS CHILDREN!!And it was Satan who talked him into all that, so was God tempted? E-HEHHHHHHAnd he's always talking about how we should love him freely, but he's there boasting and bragging like he's some insecure rapper.
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A man who knows his stuff about God and the beginning of the world.
''God created the heaven and the earth..it doesn't go into detail''ROFLing atm the way he drops stuff. joka
watched this the other day, funny guy, anyone see that new hero of comedy feature on him (no hijack)
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LOL at people thinking that religion is the reason for world conflictsIf there wasn't religion people would still fight for other reasonsThere were conflicts before religion and if religion ever ended there would be conflicts afterwards
When did religion start?And I said religion is partly the cause of a lot of wars. As well as stupid people.
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Religion is the root to all evil. Not all religious people are evil though some of the kindest people in the world you meet are likely gonna be religious. But as long as there are conflicting beliefs regarding the way to the promised land theres always gonna be war.That and ignorant/evil people.
Exactly, but religious people, from what I've seen, are only being good just to get an eternal reward from this bitch-made cry-baby God, just saving their own necks. Pure arrogance if you ask me.I've approached religious people with this question so many times:''Don't you believe that everybody will be forgiven eventually, I mean God forgives all eventually, aint he all loving?''Then I often get this:''Then what's the point in me doing all this work?''You see how their facial expressions change HEH, like a whole new person.
Yup if thats the case then god is an egomaniac. All hes doing is what a pimp does to his prostitute. If you waste your life serving god when you could be taking drugs, having orgies and living it up then you will be rewarded with heaven.If a prostitute has sex with the pimps clients then he will reward her with money.Its the non-religious people that help others who are truly "good". They do it for no rewards just out of the kindness of their hearts whereas religious people are doing it not cos they wanna go to heaven but cos they dont wanna end up in hell.
If your a true christian(one who understands the most basic of teachings) then you know that helping those who need it is to serve God.And do you know what this Reward is?Paradise, to be in the presence of Christ and God Almightystop chatting sh*t and going on like its 1000 gold piecesif you feel the need to bash religion @ every oppotunity then at least get your facts right
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Guest AnkleMurda
Religion is the root to all evil. Not all religious people are evil though some of the kindest people in the world you meet are likely gonna be religious. But as long as there are conflicting beliefs regarding the way to the promised land theres always gonna be war.That and ignorant/evil people.
Exactly, but religious people, from what I've seen, are only being good just to get an eternal reward from this bitch-made cry-baby God, just saving their own necks. Pure arrogance if you ask me.I've approached religious people with this question so many times:''Don't you believe that everybody will be forgiven eventually, I mean God forgives all eventually, aint he all loving?''Then I often get this:''Then what's the point in me doing all this work?''You see how their facial expressions change HEH, like a whole new person.
Yup if thats the case then god is an egomaniac. All hes doing is what a pimp does to his prostitute. If you waste your life serving god when you could be taking drugs, having orgies and living it up then you will be rewarded with heaven.If a prostitute has sex with the pimps clients then he will reward her with money.Its the non-religious people that help others who are truly "good". They do it for no rewards just out of the kindness of their hearts whereas religious people are doing it not cos they wanna go to heaven but cos they dont wanna end up in hell.
If your a true christian(one who understands the most basic of teachings) then you know that helping those who need it is to serve God.And do you know what this Reward is?Paradise, to be in the presence of Christ and God Almightystop chatting sh*t and going on like its 1000 gold piecesif you feel the need to bash religion @ every oppotunity then at least get your facts right
LOL you're just proving my point
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Religion is the root to all evil. Not all religious people are evil though some of the kindest people in the world you meet are likely gonna be religious. But as long as there are conflicting beliefs regarding the way to the promised land theres always gonna be war.That and ignorant/evil people.
Exactly, but religious people, from what I've seen, are only being good just to get an eternal reward from this bitch-made cry-baby God, just saving their own necks. Pure arrogance if you ask me.I've approached religious people with this question so many times:''Don't you believe that everybody will be forgiven eventually, I mean God forgives all eventually, aint he all loving?''Then I often get this:''Then what's the point in me doing all this work?''You see how their facial expressions change HEH, like a whole new person.
Yup if thats the case then god is an egomaniac. All hes doing is what a pimp does to his prostitute. If you waste your life serving god when you could be taking drugs, having orgies and living it up then you will be rewarded with heaven.If a prostitute has sex with the pimps clients then he will reward her with money.Its the non-religious people that help others who are truly "good". They do it for no rewards just out of the kindness of their hearts whereas religious people are doing it not cos they wanna go to heaven but cos they dont wanna end up in hell.
If your a true christian(one who understands the most basic of teachings) then you know that helping those who need it is to serve God.And do you know what this Reward is?Paradise, to be in the presence of Christ and God Almightystop chatting sh*t and going on like its 1000 gold piecesif you feel the need to bash religion @ every oppotunity then at least get your facts right
Come off it you bell endStop being so f*ck*ng dumb. Do your research from an unbias point of view look up how christianity was inducted as the western worlds main religion and you'll realise it was because Constantine (the mass murderer) made it. Like I said you stick to forgiving paedophiles that "find god" and I'll stick to the real world.No christian can debate with me cos it'll come down to "the lord works in mysterious ways" aka "I DONT KNOW".
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Guest AnkleMurda
Religion is the root to all evil. Not all religious people are evil though some of the kindest people in the world you meet are likely gonna be religious. But as long as there are conflicting beliefs regarding the way to the promised land theres always gonna be war.That and ignorant/evil people.
Exactly, but religious people, from what I've seen, are only being good just to get an eternal reward from this bitch-made cry-baby God, just saving their own necks. Pure arrogance if you ask me.I've approached religious people with this question so many times:''Don't you believe that everybody will be forgiven eventually, I mean God forgives all eventually, aint he all loving?''Then I often get this:''Then what's the point in me doing all this work?''You see how their facial expressions change HEH, like a whole new person.
Yup if thats the case then god is an egomaniac. All hes doing is what a pimp does to his prostitute. If you waste your life serving god when you could be taking drugs, having orgies and living it up then you will be rewarded with heaven.If a prostitute has sex with the pimps clients then he will reward her with money.Its the non-religious people that help others who are truly "good". They do it for no rewards just out of the kindness of their hearts whereas religious people are doing it not cos they wanna go to heaven but cos they dont wanna end up in hell.
If your a true christian(one who understands the most basic of teachings) then you know that helping those who need it is to serve God.And do you know what this Reward is?Paradise, to be in the presence of Christ and God Almightystop chatting sh*t and going on like its 1000 gold piecesif you feel the need to bash religion @ every oppotunity then at least get your facts right
Come off it you bell endStop being so f*ck*ng dumb. Do your research from an unbias point of view look up how christianity was inducted as the western worlds main religion and you'll realise it was because Constantine (the mass murderer) made it. Like I said you stick to forgiving paedophiles that "find god" and I'll stick to the real world.No christian can debate with me cos it'll come down to "the lord works in mysterious ways" aka "I DONT KNOW".
Why is it so hard for them to say ''I don't know''?Saying it was God doesn't answer anything.Like I keep saying:Faith in ''God''= Denial of the obvious
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And as it says in the bibleif you do not accept jesus christ as your lord and saviour you're gonna go to hellso non-religious people who help others are not serving god as they arent accepting him as their god.I hate christians that try twist things like "all good people will end up in heaven" because according to your book that was inspired/written by god it clearly states the only people going to heaven are the ones that accept Jesus as their god. Dont twist the words of your own book its already been done nuff times anyway.

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Guest AnkleMurda
And as it says in the bibleif you do not accept jesus christ as your lord and saviour you're gonna go to hellso non-religious people who help others are not serving god as they arent accepting him as their god.I hate christians that try twist things like "all good people will end up in heaven" because according to your book that was inspired/written by god it clearly states the only people going to heaven are the ones that accept Jesus as their god. Dont twist the words of your own book its already been done nuff times anyway.
But you know what? My sis told me something the other day about Jesus actually saying something like ''In my father's house there are many rooms'' somewhere in the New Testament, search it init. Apparently that means that all good people can go to Heaven.
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And as it says in the bibleif you do not accept jesus christ as your lord and saviour you're gonna go to hellso non-religious people who help others are not serving god as they arent accepting him as their god.I hate christians that try twist things like "all good people will end up in heaven" because according to your book that was inspired/written by god it clearly states the only people going to heaven are the ones that accept Jesus as their god. Dont twist the words of your own book its already been done nuff times anyway.
But you know what? My sis told me something the other day about Jesus actually saying something like ''In my father's house there are many rooms'' somewhere in the New Testament, search it init. Apparently that means that all good people can go to Heaven.
Boy the amount of contradictions in the bible is unreal. Dont get me wrong Jesus seems like a very nice fella. Thats why I cant believe its the same person as old testament god.Also before he is crucified why does Jesus call up to heaven and ask his father to save him? I never understood this as christians believe Jesus is their god. And why does it say in John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life."?I grew up for years in church believing that Jesus was god's son but I was then told thats wrong Jesus is god in the flesh so who is he talking to when he calls up to "his father" at the crucifixion?
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Guest AnkleMurda
And as it says in the bibleif you do not accept jesus christ as your lord and saviour you're gonna go to hellso non-religious people who help others are not serving god as they arent accepting him as their god.I hate christians that try twist things like "all good people will end up in heaven" because according to your book that was inspired/written by god it clearly states the only people going to heaven are the ones that accept Jesus as their god. Dont twist the words of your own book its already been done nuff times anyway.
But you know what? My sis told me something the other day about Jesus actually saying something like ''In my father's house there are many rooms'' somewhere in the New Testament, search it init. Apparently that means that all good people can go to Heaven.
Boy the amount of contradictions in the bible is unreal. Dont get me wrong Jesus seems like a very nice fella. Thats why I cant believe its the same person as old testament god.Also before he is crucified why does Jesus call up to heaven and ask his father to save him? I never understood this as christians believe Jesus is their god. And why does it say in John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life."?I grew up for years in church believing that Jesus was god's son but I was then told thats wrong Jesus is god in the flesh so who is he talking to when he calls up to "his father" at the crucifixion?
Yea it's all very confusing. People always argue that it was his ''human side'' coming out or some bullshit.
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And as it says in the bibleif you do not accept jesus christ as your lord and saviour you're gonna go to hellso non-religious people who help others are not serving god as they arent accepting him as their god.I hate christians that try twist things like "all good people will end up in heaven" because according to your book that was inspired/written by god it clearly states the only people going to heaven are the ones that accept Jesus as their god. Dont twist the words of your own book its already been done nuff times anyway.
you d*ckheadhave you actually read the bible?it says those who reject God will go to hellhelping those in need = serving Godyou see where i'm going with this?f*ck*ng muggo back to being any anonymous user you little punk
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And as it says in the bibleif you do not accept jesus christ as your lord and saviour you're gonna go to hellso non-religious people who help others are not serving god as they arent accepting him as their god.I hate christians that try twist things like "all good people will end up in heaven" because according to your book that was inspired/written by god it clearly states the only people going to heaven are the ones that accept Jesus as their god. Dont twist the words of your own book its already been done nuff times anyway.
you d*ckheadhave you actually read the bible?it says those who reject God will go to hellhelping those in need = serving Godyou see where i'm going with this?f*ck*ng muggo back to being any anonymous user you little punk
This is wrong still, would be great if everyone who was a good person went to Heaven but The Bible clearly states the only way to Heaven is through accepting Jesus Christ as your personal lord and saviour, no matter how good a person you are.
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And as it says in the bibleif you do not accept jesus christ as your lord and saviour you're gonna go to hellso non-religious people who help others are not serving god as they arent accepting him as their god.I hate christians that try twist things like "all good people will end up in heaven" because according to your book that was inspired/written by god it clearly states the only people going to heaven are the ones that accept Jesus as their god. Dont twist the words of your own book its already been done nuff times anyway.
you d*ckheadhave you actually read the bible?it says those who reject God will go to hellhelping those in need = serving Godyou see where i'm going with this?f*ck*ng muggo back to being any anonymous user you little punk
Boy you better get back to your confession box because you have failed to show love to your fellow neighbour.LMAO BRUV ARE YOU SAYING THAT GOOD PEOPLE WHO DO NOT ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST AS THEIR LORD AND SAVIOUR WILL STILL GO TO HEAVEN? ARE YOU SERIOUSLY TELLING ME THIS?ARE YOU ALSO CLAIMING THAT PAEDOPHILES CANT REPENT THEIR SINS AND END UP IN HEAVEN?lmao you cant argue with me cos this fairy tale you call religion has no f*ck*ng depth to it.
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Guest Tronics

All this Christianity bashing on here is getting rather tiresome.If you don't understand something just ask someone that knows.If you couldn't care less either way don't bother wasting your time with such threads.

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Guest AnkleMurda
All this Christianity bashing on here is getting rather tiresome.If you don't understand something just ask someone that knows.If you couldn't care less either way don't bother wasting your time with such threads.
Bruv it's easy to understand, but the amount of contradictions is ridiculous.The problem with asking religious people these things is they won't admit they don't know because they're in denial, so they just try and make it all make sense but it really doesn't.
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