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do u ever think u have magical powers

The Somalian

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I swear one day soon I am gonna die I keep on having thoughts that i can stop trains and cars with my mind and that i can jump over them if they dont stopswear this morning at stratford I nearly jumped in the tracks coz i wanted to stop the train with my mind I really need to stop smoking in the morning because one day I wont be able to contain myself and i will do it jump infront of a bus and then maybe my true magical power will be revealed :unsure: surely i can not be the only guy who has psyhco thoughtsI remember reading one guy watched the matrix in southend then tried to stop a train with his mind and dieddo ne of u have funny thoughtsif so what are they

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I know what you mean.Sometimes if I'm crossing a bridge I get an urge to just throw my phone/wallet/backpack into the river below.It's weird.

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^^^^yes those kinda crazy thoughts Sometimes I even feel to push people infront of cars and when i see them running across the road I wish in my head they trip and get ran over I thought i was the only one who thought like that but my brother does also I have some sick thoughts what i wont even writedo ne of u everv think u r god and the world is based around u ?I think that I am god and I granted myself a wish to have a human life to see what a human feels like and when i die i will go back to being god again (trust my head is f*cked)

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Guest Batman

NahAlthoguh I think im slowly getting tourrettesWhen people talk to me....its like.....Im thinkin in my head 'oh sh*t im gonna hit him...'Its like i have to concentrate...so I dont just twitch & lash out and slap dudes..

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^^^^yes those kinda crazy thoughts Sometimes I even feel to push people infront of cars and when i see them running across the road I wish in my head they trip and get ran over I thought i was the only one who thought like that but my brother does also I have some sick thoughts what i wont even writedo ne of u everv think u r god and the world is based around u ?I think that I am god and I granted myself a wish to have a human life to see what a human feels like and when i die i will go back to being god again (trust my head is f*cked)
not that i was god but one time i was on a bad trip and evrything pointed to the fact this was just a computer game and evry1 was in on it but me,evrything was clues and i was stuck on some rudimentary level and evry1 thought i was waste,tbh i still think its true sometimes,guess im sposed to kill the princess and rescue the end boss or suttin i duno,itll b fine probly
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i have them kinda thoughts that ive got powers as well u know, not anything like jumping in front of trains and make them stopmore like get the EXACT reactions i want in people, like literally tell them what to think so that it benefits me, and it workssumtimes it doesnt, when im talking to olders but moretime it does. the maddest thing is moretime i feel like it aint fair to do it to people, like im exploiting themthen when i think that, im half hearted about it and i fail...btw telekinesis is real.
ppl dont listen to me when i talk about all this stuff in these threads, everything said here - all that dream stuff aswell. its all linked.
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yeah i get something similar to that I tell my brother that life is video game like football manager and we r all being controlled by someone on a pc playing a gamebit like that crazy ending in men in black where it revelaed are universe is inside a marbelI also get some next thought that life is just one long dream then when its over i will actually wake up

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not that i was god but one time i was on a bad trip and evrything pointed to the fact this was just a computer game and evry1 was in on it but me,evrything was clues and i was stuck on some rudimentary level and evry1 thought i was waste,tbh i still think its true sometimes,guess im sposed to kill the princess and rescue the end boss or suttin i duno,itll b fine probly
i get this aswelli sometimes think we are all in a computer game and i have to for example do something to get to a next level or slap the next boy that walks past me to get 10 pointsf*ckry i know
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this is like theropy this topic getting some of my deep thoughts getting released

oh seen mad vybes ur talking about sick thoughts, i swear bare times im just jammin, then id think to myself if i wanted to murk everyone in the house how would i go about doing it
yeah i can be sitting down then i would just imagine going into the kitchen and stabbing everyone to death I dont know why them thoughts come up i try and supress them
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i have them kinda thoughts that ive got powers as well u know, not anything like jumping in front of trains and make them stopmore like get the EXACT reactions i want in people, like literally tell them what to think so that it benefits me, and it workssumtimes it doesnt, when im talking to olders but moretime it does. the maddest thing is moretime i feel like it aint fair to do it to people, like im exploiting themthen when i think that, im half hearted about it and i fail...btw telekinesis is real.
ppl dont listen to me when i talk about all this stuff in these threads, everything said here - all that dream stuff aswell. its all linked.
thing is sometimes i wish i could master it, but then i dont cos im scared ill be too powerful, real talki just want to have it at a nicee level, i need 2 practice
theres so much u can do with it -TRUST ME.
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was stuck in that blasted video game for a good 3 years,paranoia levels wer highsmoked my way out of it though and now its all wavylike tennyson saidours is not to question why,ours is but to do or diei spose its interesting to have had sertain thoughts or experience just so u know wat thats like though

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I scare myself sometimes. I'll be wishing that something happens and it does. Like one time, me and some mates were playing some game-I can't remember the name (It's like a dirty version of pictionary) I kept on saying out loud "I hope you roll (a certain number) and land (land on a particular question" so that me and the others would win and it kept happening. I had to stop cos I was freaking out, and everyone was looking at me like I was doing juju.It happens quite a lot, but NEVER works when it comes to money. :mad:

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drugs are bad! lol. i dont think that although i have recently started paying attention to my dreams because they usually come true. i dreamt of my exam grades before i got them. & some of my grades for my c/ws. 1 dream worries me tho & i hope that one wont come true. i dreamt i was murdered & u know when you are sort of awake but sleeping and i could see my body next to me on the bed. 2wks later my mum rings me and tells me my little brother is very upset cause he dremt i had been murdered. kinda freaky still so i pray this one will not come true.

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drugs are bad! lol. i dont think that although i have recently started paying attention to my dreams because they usually come true. i dreamt of my exam grades before i got them. & some of my grades for my c/ws. 1 dream worries me tho & i hope that one wont come true. i dreamt i was murdered & u know when you are sort of awake but sleeping and i could see my body next to me on the bed. 2wks later my mum rings me and tells me my little brother is very upset cause he dremt i had been murdered. kinda freaky still so i pray this one will not come true.
deepmight aswell get our r.i.p's in now guys
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