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The vip2 anti racism picture competion thread

The Somalian

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Guest Ivan Drago
ca49d748fa95b1829b664b90bd521eb9.JPGthe bumb riding is alot on here
:rofl: :rofl: Sick comeback
lmfao!!! sick comeback
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I aint contributed to nothing my topic was about black people not getting nothing for slavery while isreal and jews got money from the us goverment for the holocostand my other topic was about the white european man and everywhere he has gone he has left misery and I said multi cultralism dont workI aint been coming up with f*ck white people f*ck red people I came and put a view and asked peoples opnions I was not dictatingI dont hate no race and anyone that does is an idiot but you can not have a black or asian man living in a white mans christian land and living by that mans laws and think everything is gonna fine and dandy there will always be conflict no matter how much liberal people decide to ignore it god put all races in seperate lands for a reasonbut 4get that talk for today
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This all started when tipper asked why are kids killing each other and this is something I think about on a regular basis because how this country is run should be a dream for anyone that lives here great Britain has endless amounts of opportunities for you to better yourself but in reality it is not for many and that is a social issue more than a race thing. But you cannot run from the fact that’s its black people a minority in the country who are suffering and causing a lot of this pain and grief. My solution for this was people who don’t work or do nothing aged between 16 to 25 be made to do national service for 3 months when they come back if they have not found something to do within 6 weeks they go back to national service this will teach discipline. Also 25 years for knife possession and 50 years for gun possession and Life for killers and death for sadistic killers and other bang to right horrific crimes. But the with country’s lax liberal views this will never happen. When people go prison they should treat a bit more like them south American jails and throw human rights out of the window, should just have people in the jail chucked in and have no guards in the jail so you have to fend for yourself its jail for petes sake then you don’t have to worry about cost etcThen I started to think about it deeper a lot of people will say missing fathers broken homes etc but I beloved the situation is a more deeper than to just give that answer. So I started to think about who I am. Yes I am British but in reality its just paper that says I am. Who am I really am I Jamaican? No, yes my parents are from Jamaica it does not have a very long history compared to other countries yes I eat rice and peas and various other Jamaican dishes but what values has my Jamaican heritage shown me nothing really because it does not have a deep rooted history because it is was stolen It should all be African but its not. That is why black people associate and gel with the white general public more better than Asians and other races because when you don’t really know about yourself you adopt other cultures or go off the rails that is a reason you get so many interracial relationships in the black community especially with black males, where as many other cultures stick together and don’t really interact with the general white public. The reason black people do this is to try and find somewhere where they are accepted and sub consciously they know their decedents will be white and this is what they want. Like in the 70’s and 80’s with the first generation of British born migrants children who were called the no nation children their was a brief spell of self conscious and righteous with the emergence of reggae and Rastafarians, letting these lost people know who they are and if you ask your parents they will tell you black people walked with a different sort of pride (even if you was not a dread the righteousness passed on) than they do today. Today if we are to be honest we all listen grime and hip hop and even r and b which sends a very negative message (it don’t make people kill people) it sends the message of greed, violence and to be promiscuous which is basically the opposite message of what people like peter tosh, Dennis brown and bob sang about. And you have a couple of powerful tools to people who are in a poor social situation which are called the television and the media which teach the most amount of stupid ness and more time this is what is teaching the child his moulding his outlook on in life. Then you have these youths living in a land of opportunity putting mental blocks on themselves because you can be whatever you want to be. They get trapped in believing to promote a certain image and carry a certain attitude with that image and we have seen the consequence when it comes to a head.This is when I started thinking that really and truly black people should all be in Africa and that multi cultrism does not work. If you are white and are reading this have you ever been in a foreign country and people looking at you different it feels weird innit. Imagine getting that look all your life that you end up not paying it no mind. You can put on a front but in your sub conscious it is eating at you this is another reason for a high rate of interracial relationships because it is another look in for acceptance. I call this self-hate because you are willing to change your actual self to try and fit in.For me for black people to really get the acceptance they crave and need is that they need to go back to Africa because they have 500 years of being lost really on other lands where your heritage was stolen from you and you was made to forget it.I also believe a black man can not live under a white lands law the police are racist you know the piece of power they have over you will be used that’s why you are more likely to be stopped if your black plus you can see the resentment for you in their eyes. These are the things what get black people over represented in jail not because they do more crime because they don’t. Then you have the completely lost black people who think they are white and move out to the deep suburbs to move from other black people. The white people out their don’t want you with them so I doubt you will find the acceptance you are looking for.No matter what anyone says they do not look at everyone equal and as the same as each other all the race topics I have seen over the years you get to see what people really feel and think deep down. Like I know when people see a white girl with a baby in the ends they go to look at the babies race I know I do it and when I asked on rwd loads of others admitted to doing this. Plus loads of people say certain derogatory things about other races then next day you will have someone that race at work and go on like your views don’t exist. Then when I started to thinking about this I looked at other nations like Bolivia, Rhodesia, Hong Kong, Brazil etc where Europeans have migrated to are the minority but are the ruling majority and then I started to think about former European colonies and how they are doing at the moment and to be honest it was not a good look and places being left in misery and people end up being corrupted. Take Africa for instance the landscape looks nothing now than b4 the Europeans invaded and broke up these colonies I will try and find the original African map. That is why I made that white man topic If I offended you I am sorry that you don’t like politics and ideals. I know I may have upset a few people but I think people need to start talking truth instead of covering things up and pretending everything is good when it aint. But this is what happens when you live in a capitalist society I guess because lies and deception seems to be the way of the day. I am not racist I love life but just have to speak on how I see things. I also think this country’s liberals views and practices are damaging the countries main citizens who should come as a priority not someone who has come off some boat. But this is life and all we can do is try are best and make the best of the situation that is faced in front of usp.s How can a company that made 900 million pound PROFIT in 6 months then raise the gas price by 35% what is that money being used for? Surely they can pass on their huge gains onto the general public by lowering the prices. Swear down this country is a easy prey a militant group needs to step in and take board members familys members hostage coz all this stuff is beyond a joke

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Guest Batman

I agree with taking boar dmembers hostage.We need to get millitant, won't happen thoguh everyones too comfortable, I got a few speeches prepared though TTKK.lmfaorofl@the pic.

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Bruv how can you say you're tired of race threads when you've been creating and/or contributing to alot of them in the last couple weeks?
shut the f*ck UPno one gives a sh*t what u thinkyour mums vagina comes like a man holedun know if u fall in, u gonna be covered in stuff far worse than sh*t
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