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I dont want to see that in the f*cking club

The Somalian

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anyways most things been said... but GUYS who try talk to man or spud man in a rave like i know them wtf????hate that almost as much as seeing bare girls in a que so you deciede to go to that cluband once your in there you notice theres like 6 groups of girls that are just taking pictures in a variety of poses... with loads of diff random people and leave before half 12 no doubt to up them on facebook to show off what a great night they had..... i like materialistic stuck up girls but COME ON !p.s ill talk to any girl in a club no matter what she looks like as long as her breath dont stinkone alright chick was talking to me and she had stale morning breath, couldnt hack it and pretended i got a call and went outside to the smoking bit
lollll morning breath u know. lol @ chicks who take bare unneccesary pics and pose HARD to make it look on facebook that they had a sick night. lol bare fake and just doing it for the popularity/attention.bit in red. dont go to a dizzle rave cos PEOPLE generally are more friendly than normal, so u wouldnt like it by dem standards.
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Westwood on the decks - guy cant mix for sh*tco-ordinated dancing - unless its bashmentwhite (no racist) people getting bashment dances wrongthe group of hype men who pretend like they want arms once u get outside "dont chat sh*t blud, i got 8 cars round the corner with the ting in the back, i'll lick off your face"like this idiot hasnt been in an 7 hour rave waiting by the bus top

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'ALL THE GIRLS STANDING IN THE LINE 4 THE BATHROOM' these are things that hinderme from raving, everything i dont want 2 actually see has been mentioned girlies, ona level, im glad u like my hair/top/belt/earrings or watever, but dont touch me, specially not in toilets, we arnt cool like that + i duno if u washed ur hands so go > that wayfellas, if there is x amount of space between me and u and the place u wish 2 get 2, do not prolong ur footsteps and move as slow as possible so u then have to press up on me and try 2 cop a sly feel in the processdj's i dont care if u got here late, im not tryna hear a tune that was played 15 mins ago in the same room also, if u wanna ask 4 my number thats blessed, but please dont keep clonking the empty champagne bottle on my leg and think it will to up ur ratingsllow grabbing my hand when im walking away, makes us both look silly when i have 2 wipe ur sweat off my hand straight afterbasicallyIM TIRED OF BEING TOUCHED

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'ALL THE GIRLS STANDING IN THE LINE 4 THE BATHROOM' these are things that hinderme from raving, everything i dont want 2 actually see has been mentioned girlies, ona level, im glad u like my hair/top/belt/earrings or watever, but dont touch me, specially not in toilets, we arnt cool like that + i duno if u washed ur hands so go > that wayfellas, if there is x amount of space between me and u and the place u wish 2 get 2, do not prolong ur footsteps and move as slow as possible so u then have to press up on me and try 2 cop a sly feel in the processdj's i dont care if u got here late, im not tryna hear a tune that was played 15 mins ago in the same room also, if u wanna ask 4 my number thats blessed, but please dont keep clonking the empty champagne bottle on my leg and think it will to up ur ratingsllow grabbing my hand when im walking away, makes us both look silly when i have 2 wipe ur sweat off my hand straight afterbasicallyIM TIRED OF BEING TOUCHED
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Guys who push through girls to go and dance with their boys :mellow: :lol: Guys with no mannersChicks with no mannersWhen brers start jumping like it's a year 7 disco because grime has come onWhen people wear sunglasses inside, I tried it once, it doesn't work, surely they can't see?When brers start throwing bottles/fighting and don't care that they are hitting/knocking over chicksBrers who hype to chicks like they are going to fight them, you p*ssy go and get some numbers.People who spray champagne on people they don't know/are not with
i do this sometimes. cos certain girls who aint up to par will try surround man and scrubs on the sly.the worst is when you take a step back or sideways and they follow u deeper and deeper into ur personal space. just have to step through them to show i aint on it
Indeed.That's why I had to take refuge in that sh*t VIP, as some fat ting was on my case whilst blocking up the route to her friend.+Playing House and then switching to RnB/Hip Hop/Dancehall is not what I want to see.
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'ALL THE GIRLS STANDING IN THE LINE 4 THE BATHROOM' these are things that hinderme from raving, everything i dont want 2 actually see has been mentioned girlies, ona level, im glad u like my hair/top/belt/earrings or watever, but dont touch me, specially not in toilets, we arnt cool like that + i duno if u washed ur hands so go > that wayfellas, if there is x amount of space between me and u and the place u wish 2 get 2, do not prolong ur footsteps and move as slow as possible so u then have to press up on me and try 2 cop a sly feel in the processdj's i dont care if u got here late, im not tryna hear a tune that was played 15 mins ago in the same room also, if u wanna ask 4 my number thats blessed, but please dont keep clonking the empty champagne bottle on my leg and think it will to up ur ratingsllow grabbing my hand when im walking away, makes us both look silly when i have 2 wipe ur sweat off my hand straight afterbasicallyIM TIRED OF BEING TOUCHED
Lol...that was on point!
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Guest M12 Part 2
Guys who push through girls to go and dance with their boys :mellow: :lol: Guys with no mannersChicks with no mannersWhen brers start jumping like it's a year 7 disco because grime has come onWhen people wear sunglasses inside, I tried it once, it doesn't work, surely they can't see?When brers start throwing bottles/fighting and don't care that they are hitting/knocking over chicksBrers who hype to chicks like they are going to fight them, you p*ssy go and get some numbers.People who spray champagne on people they don't know/are not with
i do this sometimes. cos certain girls who aint up to par will try surround man and scrubs on the sly.the worst is when you take a step back or sideways and they follow u deeper and deeper into ur personal space. just have to step through them to show i aint on it
Indeed.That's why I had to take refuge in that sh*t VIP, as some fat ting was on my case whilst blocking up the route to her friend.+Playing House and then switching to RnB/Hip Hop/Dancehall is not what I want to see.
swear down i only had energy for the funky and old skool.never realised mak 10 was such a big djand i know exactly the one ur on about. the hench one who thought she was nice cos she had fat tits
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Males who cannot handle their drink. sh*t makes me sick.
goes for chicks aswell. just generally drunken/paraletic casualties that are more like sick patients than ravers. waste behaviour, wasting ur night aswell. f*ck drinking that much if u cant hack it, u become a liabillity and u take away vibes from the rave insted of bringing em in.
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When ur jamming and a white person brushes shoulders with you, and their quick to turn round and say sorry.
Lol reminds me, what have you lot done the white boys in Kingston!? Not you in particular but people. They're so shook.Standing at the bar with my friend and a white guy puts down an empty glass on the bar by putting his hand between us. He didn't touch either of us as there was more than enough space. Then he says sorry. My bredrin had to ask why he was apologising. Guy just seemed scared of life.
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haha been slumped over and worse for wear many times but its jokes coz i can be like that then one live track comes on and i am up again
lol i think der was a thread a while ago where u told us ur stories of all the times u been slumped. slept in a toilet or sum sh*t?boy ive only been a casualty in a rave twice and i didnt like it 1 bit. felt more embarassed than anything, pathetic really to be that out of control. not to mention how u feel the day after.drinking in excess is NOT the one. alcohol is a swag drug in that sense.
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It gets jarring.. dese guys need to calm down. Dem f*ck*ng FOBs bussin dem f*ck*ng choreographed moves..pisses me off, puts me off my 2 step n all sortsDem times I didnt even come in the shoobz wit man, aint seen him for 2 yrs but he thinks its bless to stand shoulder to shoulder with me the whole night.

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