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Were you bullied at school? did u bully people at school?

The Somalian

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never got bulliedi did move very reckless up till like year 9 like random fights, punching ppl for fun etc>>i had to change cos certain man said when they see me when were both older they are gonna stab me
change your sig that really does hurt the eyes
man up
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when i was in year 2 or 3 at primary school we had a new pupil join called boris he was from yugoslavia and was massive not as in fat just tall and big built, i remember him bullying me but cant remember exactly what he used to do but he was bullying me, one day when leaving school my mum obviously noticed something was up with me so she kept asking and asking till i cracked and told her about boris bullying me in which she told me to tell the teacher next time,so i remember telling the the teacher next time it happened and then she got the headmistress involved and boris flipped it all on me an said i was bullying him, i can also remember his mum coming in crying about it and nobody believed me when i never done sh*t to him.... pointless story but that really did affect me even though i didn't show it to the teachers so from then on i sorted problems out myself when i had which i rarely did tbh, bit of a long pointless story actually but thats one of the many reasons i have a cold black heart...when at secondary school i was never bullied and didn't bully people either in my opinion some would disagree though, i would say bullying is laying into the same person day in day out
ARGH f*ck YOU REMINDED METHERE WAS ONE YOUT IN YR 5 CALLED MICHAEL WHO WAS AN UTTER c*nt HE ALWAYS DROPPED THEM SLY PROVOCATIONS AND ACTED LIKE A SAINTI f*ck*ng terrorised him but, lawfully.In my secondary school your circles left you open to bullying or just getting trampled on metaphorically or not.
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I took the piss with one girl. stupid playground stuff. throwing bits of rolled up paper in her hair, laughin at her. just silly stuff really.. Couple years later, I apologised, we became friends and soon one of my closest friends. I still apologise for it. I felt like a right c*nt, because she didn't deserve it. Didn't get bullied. I was one of them shes safe til you piss her off kinda girls.

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i was never bulliedsecondary school i was token black, heeard a couple racist remarks but i would never call it bullyinsome might say some of my own actions could be considered bullyingbut all a girl has to do is stick up for herself, instead of jus sittin down takin sh*t like a pussyoit is not true what they say : 'just ignore them, they will get bored'its jus not truean i never did nothing that bad, i feel no remorse, like i said, stand up for urself

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