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Were you bullied at school? did u bully people at school?

The Somalian

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Only one person has tried to bully me in primary school, cos I had thick glasses. One time the guy stole my hat and started runnin around with it laughing, so I flykicked him in the back.
primary school someone was always tryin to steal my hat, cos i always had it on in the playground in the winter times, over shook that my mum would walk past the school an tell me off for not wearin iti never saw that as bullyin tho, jus playin an such
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never been bullied, when i started yr 7 one yr 11 group used to take the piss with fat boy and stuff, till i ran and started tryna bang out the biggest one, obviously he boyed me lol. next day i put 3 brickin in my ruck sack and started swinging it at him in the hallway. got in bare trouble but after that him and his mates just thought i was a joker and left me alone. apart from that tho i was just the class clown and sh*t so no one really troubled me,never really bullied anyone, but used to boy everyone off didnt care who you were, there were a few who got special treatmeant tho lol.altho i did terrorise the teachers

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No. Which is funny seeing as I have really poor social skills.
I really don't know how I escaped bullying tbh. I don't think I ever bullied anyone but if I didn't like anyone in my secondary school, they would know about it. But apart from that, it was probably the usual all-girls school bitchery.
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I was a bit of a prank.Yes, bullied one chick called Ameesha Trevedi non-stop, I wasn't violent, it was more malice, I think I only beat her up once. I was just total humilation 24/7, like leaving chocolate buttons on her seat waiting for her to get up at the end of the lesson and say "AHAHAHA you shat yourself". Pouring tipex in her hair, putting her school uniform in the bin when it was PE so she had a choice of wearing her PE kit in school or being sent home. Went to her house at lunch after we befriended her and started "accidently" knocking things over with big rucksacks. Evil.I was moved class because of it.
I hope you get aids.That's evil.That girl is probably a recluse now tbh.
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I supposed i bullied one girl from year 7 till first year at college, basically spreading rumors, throwing her stuff out the school bus,writing on her bags, breaking her walkman and that, every time she decided to get brave i would knock her out, thing is she would ALWAYS tag along with me and my freinds though, so supposed she kinda exepted it.
absolutely disgusting you should be ashamed of yourself
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Bredrins brother was in the same year as me, he used to get bullied i used to tell people to llow him an then he started tryna slew me straight after so me an everyone that he was gettin bullied by rushed him.This happend all the time still.EDIT: 1 girl got bullied by the whole year cuz she was bare butters an hench this was back in year 7 she left school an burnt all her school clothes (apparently) i used to tell people to llow her but it got to a point where i couldnt be bothered to tell them to stop no more.same thing happend to 1 next girl cuz she was over tall, an 1 paigan boy.all of them got bullied by the whole year an they left before year 9.My school was f*cked actually, never really thought about it till now.

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I was a bit of a prank.Yes, bullied one chick called Ameesha Trevedi non-stop, I wasn't violent, it was more malice, I think I only beat her up once. I was just total humilation 24/7, like leaving chocolate buttons on her seat waiting for her to get up at the end of the lesson and say "AHAHAHA you shat yourself". Pouring tipex in her hair, putting her school uniform in the bin when it was PE so she had a choice of wearing her PE kit in school or being sent home. Went to her house at lunch after we befriended her and started "accidently" knocking things over with big rucksacks. Evil.I was moved class because of it.
I hope you get aids.That's evil.
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erm kinda, iv had fights cuz iv seen people specifically targeting the easy/humble heads,its like, from i see u taking the piss outta the quiet heads, then im murking u for the rest of the day, guna ride ur back till the skool bell rings (n/h)bit of a hypocrite really cuz then there were some ppl i slewed without even clocking 1 girl said 'i aint inviting lizzie 2 my party cuz shes gunna gun me on my birthday'i slewed her till she invited meour leavers' do i was going up 2 ppl like 'hiii i dont know u but good luck in the future'and they were like 'actually a couple years ago u told me 2 randomly f*ck off'-awkward moment-actually had nightmares sum1 wud take me on the Jenny Jones show like 'U MADE ME CRY, NOW HOW HOT AM I'thats why i want Jade Hall 2 know that im sorry 4 everythingoh yh i didnt get bullied im 2 hench, closest experienced to that is if sum1 from our own tight circle, fell out with me, the group wud blatantly divide, and the class didnt no whos side 2 take so it wud be tense

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I was a bit of a prank.Yes, bullied one chick called Ameesha Trevedi non-stop, I wasn't violent, it was more malice, I think I only beat her up once. I was just total humilation 24/7, like leaving chocolate buttons on her seat waiting for her to get up at the end of the lesson and say "AHAHAHA you shat yourself". Pouring tipex in her hair, putting her school uniform in the bin when it was PE so she had a choice of wearing her PE kit in school or being sent home. Went to her house at lunch after we befriended her and started "accidently" knocking things over with big rucksacks. Evil.I was moved class because of it.
I hope you get aids.That's evil.
LOL.Like I said it couldn't be helped, she actually put up her hand and said "Excuse me sir, she's inking the table" when I was writing on it. A GRASS. And not only that the whole class picked on her too because the tutor decided to tell the class that she had NITS and was to see the NIT NURSE. And like I said if it happened in todays society that little comment would have earnt her several thousand pounds in compo. Sorry but I was in year 8. At that age, you don't really take into account other peoples feelings, well, I didn't anyway, I was a prank and my school was a bit of a free for all. But I DO deeply regret what I have done, I don't lose sleep over it or anything but I would apologise.ALSO...Whilst we are on the subject of schools, was there a "test" the male pupils had to do? Performed by the school nurse? Because guys in my school always used to say that they had this test where the nurse would hold their d*ck and they'd have to sneeze round the time of the BCG thing. Can anyone confirm this?
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I was a bit of a prank.Yes, bullied one chick called Ameesha Trevedi non-stop, I wasn't violent, it was more malice, I think I only beat her up once. I was just total humilation 24/7, like leaving chocolate buttons on her seat waiting for her to get up at the end of the lesson and say "AHAHAHA you shat yourself". Pouring tipex in her hair, putting her school uniform in the bin when it was PE so she had a choice of wearing her PE kit in school or being sent home. Went to her house at lunch after we befriended her and started "accidently" knocking things over with big rucksacks. Evil.I was moved class because of it.
well you're abit of a c*nt.
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Guest DN Braund

one guy in year 11 tried it wen i was in year 7bout give man a pound at lunch n he'd back meLMAOthem times i didnt even see the boyment until a few years later, bt i jus told man i bring a packed lunch so dnt have no p's

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was never a bully or got bulliedbut when i was in primary swear i was like 1 of the only full black males in my class. n ppl used to try a tingtil i made an example of 1 boy in like yr 5 (beat the sh*t outta hm). man was handing out chicken wings (ang tite bob backlund) n making these youts cry loltruesay as a yout weherever i went, youth club, school, road ppl would always test me cos i was small. had bare fights heart of a lion tbh. i wudnt call it bullying cos ppl used to pick fights with me it wernt really a victim ting cos i woulds rags swing them n show what time it was.but when ur always in beef n u aint done nothing u do start to wonder y ppl r f*ck*ng with u

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