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What were you Excluded Suspended from school for?

The Somalian

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what were you excluded or suspened from school for what dark secrets are you hiding reveal all :angry: :!: Thread directer notesseeing as the multi colour school oreintated thread worked earlier thats what i have to do with my sequal thread herefor instance after rocky 1 they ever made rocky 2 a war movie they carried on the franchise then released rambo busterso enjoy my slightly re hased threadI got suspended for stealing from the school cafeteria me and this boy use to steal sandwiches fill them up in a bag then shot them half price Bitch caught us got us to empty my bag got caught red handed tried claiming i got them from the tuck shop earlier in the day but that was a instant fail because school started late on that day so there was no morning break tuck shopgot suspeneded for 3 days and when i returned had to have all my meals and breaks in ms mcmahon office some lil building next to the science block totty knows lol

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In middle school used to get suspended on a monthly basis. Had behavioral problems and ADHDwe punched up some yute one time (cant remembered why) his dad came down some any fat guy, looking back at it we shud of weighed the dad in aswell. One teacher Mr Curran is a f*ck*ng gee, don't think he took Reams out of lesson brought him to the door my class and was pointing at me like 'Yh him, yh?' I remember I was like WHAT DA f*ck!!! Reams had some explaining to do that dayGotta shout out Mister Man, guy was absolutely f*cked. baddest yute I've ever seen. Think of the baddest yute in your school= Mister Man. guy was a gee

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Theres no point in merging it. They're two different subjects slightly related. Should have made this tomorrow. You've basically sacrificed the other thread.Likehow theres not much else going on you may get a bly still, so just take it as advice for the future

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Year 8 - Internal suspension for having my hand up my girls skirt and cupping her b-hindYear 9 - Internal suspension for encouraging a group of girls to attack a male student via malicious class notes(all I wrote was 'joker, are you lot still rushing edward at lunch'... they did it)Year 10 - External suspension for sending Andrew Elliot to hospital, after punching him in his throatYear 11 - External suspension for giving Mrs Burrows depression, truancy, a build up of unspent detentions, and other sh*t bad notes in my planner.

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never got suspended/expelled, i was a good girl. i did once get a 2 hour long detention though, for apparently pushing a teacher on the floor in order to get through the door to assembly. i didn't push him, he just fell on his own, and why anyone would want to get to assembly so bad that they'd assault a teacher baffles me

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From year 7 - 10 I got suspended (excluded once) for bare different things. The most memorable ones are:Beating up white boys for calling me a spear chuckerAnother timeBeat up a teacher for laughing at me when I was called a spear chucker then beat up the white boyAnother timeI got caught with a butterfly knife. The abusers needed to be silenced.

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DEEP... I remember when I was in year 7 I was sitting in class gazin and I saw Mr Nixon stroll past the corridor, next i see him dussing back shouting HELP HELP. Then about 7 unknown black boys running down behind shouting commotion. Everyone was at their doors along the corridor but the teachers held every on back. Mr Nixon got caught dragged into the Medical Room and Beaten into a pulp, no teacher stepped in. He took the rest of the year off.Was like a scene for eastenders

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