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What were you Excluded Suspended from school for?

The Somalian

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Never got caught.If I did, would have been expelled instantly.Hang tight Muckup day.Only about 4 man know what went down that day, and who was responsible.That was a proper test of who was down and who wasn't. Noone sang though.Was sent home a lot, but never got expelled/suspended.
can u tell us what happened or what?
lol yeah, just at the time it would have meant expulsion and police involved etc.basically the head was (what everyone suspected) an undercover chichwe broke in to the school grounds at midnite, and spray painted a silhouette of his face, with the phrase"Beloved head: Mr _____. "I'm going to BUM YOU" (bear in mind Bo Selecta was popular at the time, and almost everyone knew that elton john scene). We also sprayed it onto his parking space.Then we let locusts loose in through one of the windows, put raw fish into the grit salt containers, covered 8 of the bins with cling film, and during the day carried out stealth attacks on lower years from the upper floor, first egging them, then dropping FB's (flour bombs) on them.
LOLThat sounds sick.
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Guest DN Braund

did anyone elses school have to line up outside their doors after lunch to wait for the teacher or in the mornings?what u know bout turning off the lights n goin a feel ups spreesh*t was SICK

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tbh...99% of the tings in here need to be inspected by british gas. Mister Man deserves his own school topic, credit where credits due. Guy was a bad breed.. Its rare you see me big guys up, but I take my hat of to him. One time we was all (15 man) tiefing blazers on the field, on PE teacher came and everyone booted. he was the only name to get mentioned out of 15 bait faces, man took the wrap got suspended for blah blah days.

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nopei never had a day of school, got some certificate and book token somwhere congratulating me ..... hmm what a great reward aye.i wasn't a naughty pupil at school, had lunchtime detention now and again for not doing homework but that was about it.

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I used to be tight with some Asian shop keeper. He knew my mum and dad and sh*t and sometimes when my Dad got in from work, he would send me down to pick up some beers for him.2-2s, I let it slip to some nutty group of hardcases in school and they asked me to go get them some Super Skol.. So I did but after that I couldn't be bothered to go back to school.Next thing you know the Principal phoned my mum and said I was suspended. The brehs had got so smashed that they were throwing up in class everywhere and they had told the teacher that I got them the beers.I didn't mind.Was an excuse not to go back to school.

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bare gass in this topic tho for real.
TRUTHalso i think it was impossible to get expelled at my schoolcertain man got extended leave where they werent allowed on school site until gcses... didnt see certain man from year 8 till they had to do there gcsesbut apart from that no one got expelled1 boy stabbed someone in year below.... got shifted..come in school the next day they gave him a 30min detention...he didnt go1 next yute brought out a shetti in class and about 5 teachers had to restrain him...just got to go lunch early wtfside note i wouldnt of made it past year 7 in a decent schoolfirewroksrobberytruancybullyingparring off teachers lives etc.....
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