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Heroes Season 4 Discussion.


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So wait there, Peter swapped Sylers powers for that one lil ediot super speed power? Guy gets on my nerves more every season.Ep wasn't that hype but Heroes is Heroes, will get watched regardless.
What? No. Peter is still doing what he does - replicating other people's powers.
Remember he can only carry one power at a time these days & at the end of the last season he had Sylars power so taking the fast guys power will overwrite what he had b4.. unless he just used Sylars empath power to take it, I forgot Sylar doesn't actually have to open up heads to take powers.T-bag seems to a have a couple powers aswell, the ink thing & telekinesis (he moved the dirt onto the grave).
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So wait there, Peter swapped Sylers powers for that one lil ediot super speed power? Guy gets on my nerves more every season.Ep wasn't that hype but Heroes is Heroes, will get watched regardless.
What? No. Peter is still doing what he does - replicating other people's powers.
Remember he can only carry one power at a time these days & at the end of the last season he had Sylars power so taking the fast guys power will overwrite what he had b4.. unless he just used Sylars empath power to take it, I forgot Sylar doesn't actually have to open up heads to take powers.T-bag seems to a have a couple powers aswell, the ink thing & telekinesis (he moved the dirt onto the grave).
The ink thing is f*ck*ng bullshit. The most ridiculous power so far.
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