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FAO Those That Play Football

Avon Barksdale

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Which player would you compare yourself to the most on the pitch?Or the player you try to be like on the pitch the most?For me id say CarrickDont get stuck in to much but track back and cover the defense when i need to and have an eye for good passes and see things before they happen and do not shoot often enough tbhAlthough sometimes i cant pick out the pass

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Hmmmm, goood question...Probably a bit Evraish or Sagnaish.. ISH being the operative word..I play RB, but have a tendency to drift forward a hell of a lot. I do track back however. (when im not mashup)Crossing is 3/10 Passing is 5.5/10Heading is 6.5/10Tackle is 7/10Speed 6.5/10 these days

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apparently im identical ti pienaari score loads more tho

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Guest Jetz

Im pretty sh*t and play at the centre so in five a side i constantly try pass the ball to the better players. so I would probably say denilson. :P

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when i play in the centre i play in a deep lying playermaker role so Alonso type player, move the ball quickly keep the passing going from the centre and pick a pass early when i spot it. but obviously not with the same range or as good accuracy. when on the wing, robben kinda play. im quick so get at the fullback and cause them problems. dribble with pace and link up well with the strikers.

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Guest Wu-Tang

I get compared most to Rio, to the point that its actually become my nickname most placed I play football casualy(tbh your best to ask Lemonguy who I'm like, man will probably say Bramble ftl)But yea..I don't panick on the ball, I'm quick, my best Attribute is probably my reading of the game/ball, most peopel also tell me to play in midfield since I like to dribble (probably also why I get called rio)..I'm good at winning headers, poisitiong is very good.....I know how to play the attacker without touching the ball and not giving away a foul..My one drawback is thoguh I'd say im very strong if im holding someoen off/going shoulder to shoulder, although Im tall I aint the heftyest of guys, so if a big lump thats about 16 st. throws himself agaisnt me when I aint prepared, he's likely to winI TRY to play like Vidic though, nothing is better to be a defender and throw yourhead at the ball everytime it comes across, and I love to do this, if you ever want to see an example of how to attack the ball as a defender, just watch Nemanja Vidic or John TerryMy ideal game is for the opponents to just knock long balls up into the air all day....Played in midfield yesterday though, not sure who I'd compare myself too, tbh i can play decently everywhere (no bighead)..

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I get compared most to Rio, to the point that its actually become my nickname most placed I play football casualy(tbh your best to ask Lemonguy who I'm like, man will probably say Bramble ftl)But yea..I don't panick on the ball, I'm quick, my best Attribute is probably my reading of the game/ball, most peopel also tell me to play in midfield since I like to dribble (probably also why I get called rio)..I'm good at winning headers, poisitiong is very good.....I know how to play the attacker without touching the ball and not giving away a foul..My one drawback is thoguh I'd say im very strong if im holding someoen off/going shoulder to shoulder, although Im tall I aint the heftyest of guys, so if a big lump thats about 16 st. throws himself agaisnt me when I aint prepared, he's likely to winI TRY to play like Vidic though, nothing is better to be a defender and throw yourhead at the ball everytime it comes across, and I love to do this, if you ever want to see an example of how to attack the ball as a defender, just watch Nemanja Vidic or John TerryMy ideal game is for the opponents to just knock long balls up into the air all day....Played in midfield yesterday though, not sure who I'd compare myself too, tbh i can play decently everywhere (no bighead)..
Denied fam
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Guest Wu-Tang

LolIm jus syain innitIf you have a good football brain, you can play decently in every position (at your level)If your good at it, your good at it

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