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Your 09 so far...


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Been away for a hot minute so wharr gwarn VIP?So we're halfway thru 09 and I've been takin L's left right and centre.Wrote off my whip stank nasty on the M4 but all of us came out unscathed. Lost £5k on it with the insurance payout though so I've had to take a mad downgrade now.Recession is deadin my earnings this year after earnin a silly amount last year, income has literally taken a nose dive.Senior family member has a major heart condition out of the blue - over 70 and not a year ago he was climbin allover putting a second floor on his bungalow. Maddness.Mortgage is fixed rate at a time when rates have never been lower. Praise jah and allah they stay that low till Jan when I go flexible.On the plus I had a deep lil free trip to Vegas a couple months back, I've been findin myself in some deep minimal warehouse raves on some nex kinda vibes and the girls dem situation is nice and tidy. Birthday weekend come Friday, yard party at mums on Saturday, two VIP girls pon the guest list and I'm lookin to get charge.What's ur 2009 been sayin so far?

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My 2009 was the most productive year for me money wise. Since becoming redunant its been shitty. All will be well when I get my compensation payout along with my insurance pay out for my car and the birth of my unborn will be sure to highlight this year like no other.

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Ups and downs tbh.The year started off good - went on my first skiing holiday (f*ck*ng sickest time ever), got my job contract extended by a few months, feelin positive about the futureThenfound out im out of a job in july. July 31st is my last day.Need to try and turn that into something positive but atm im worried about not knowning what to do next

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Umm this years been bit of a mad one bit too emosh, loosing a close friend at the start of the year, few madness going on through the fam, the birth of my god daughter, starting uni this year, so i guess this year allright, but im thankfull i mad this far still so i cant complain tbh

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shite tbh.no nearer to starting this MA than i was last year. even though i've had the money to pay for it. but i'd rather waste it all on cruzcampo (the man dem know lol).semi realised that i might actually need a career of some sort. think i'm the only one out of my circle of friends that hasn't got one. what it is i have no idea.was meant to move out a couple months back but the land lord fell through and i got a put off a tad. gutted cause i need the space.had to sell my car cause i wasn't getting any use out of it. not a good look when im coming back from raves in west @ 4 in the morning.being single>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>love it.best thing about this year soo far is the people i've meet. made some good friends thus far.

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my '09 started off the best year of my life so far.. but it never lasted long and this year has been even shitter than my '08.. come to think of it nothin over spesh has happened in my existence since '06...arrrgh :(guna have to turn it around tbh. its all about setting new highs and havin positive memories at this age... f*ckin 22 nex week... :'(

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