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Your 09 so far...


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financially this year has not been a good look, but on a plus side ive had a thoroughly good time going concerts, exhibitions, muesums, theme parks generally making the most of the sites and activities on offer in london its makes change. Plus my b day soon so im ok i guess.

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my '09 started off the best year of my life so far.. but it never lasted long and this year has been even shitter than my '08.. come to think of it nothin over spesh has happened in my existence since '06...arrrgh :(guna have to turn it around tbh. its all about setting new highs and havin positive memories at this age... f*ckin 22 nex week... :'(
u know this :-/
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Yo dan early, what your job if you dont mind a brudda askin
Corporate IT Sales fam.This year has seen the demise of me keepin my customers in the pocket and takin them to dinner at Gaucho then onto Funky Buddha to ensure they let me rip them off. 2009 has me cold calling county councils and other public sector organisations and competing with 40 other suppliers every time they wanna buy a mousemat.I'm jus pissed cos its hittin my bank balance. When its good its REAL good.
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MAN you guys is living good. My 09 aint even start yet. Having £0.84 in your account on 01/01/09. sh*t I knew my year would be all f*cked up, fast forward to May and EDF hit me with a £540.00 bill because my bank were not letting them take direct debit and my bank thought they notified me so a nigga nearly had his electric cut. My 42 inch HD died because my lil niece thought it would be a fantastic idea to throw a water balloon at it so now I had to majorly downgrade to a 28 inch Acoustic Solutions. My best friend still aint got his Indefinite Leave to Remain, got made redundant in October 08 and Uni was a little f*cked, just typing this sh*t making me want to set somebody on fire.About the only things keeping me from killing a muhf*cka are my Vehicle, Woman, Family and Friends.

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been a way better year than 07 and 08Apart from a family friend getting murdered by some teenage thugs the other week and myself getting bashed into a traffic light by an articulate lorry in April,i cant really complain, this year has treated me decent for a changeholiday with the girls next month along with my 21st which should be cool. Something to look forward to.

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been a way better year than 07 and 08Apart from a family friend getting murdered by some teenage thugs the other week and myself getting bashed into a traffic light by an articulate lorry in April,i cant really complain, this year has treated me decent for a changeholiday with the girls next month along with my 21st which should be cool. Something to look forward to.
did it offer an eloquent apologies?-------as for me its been mad decent,but will just get better as we build momentum for an 010 takeoverlook out for my mixtape dropping in the next month or sowhat do heads think is a good title for this ive got'a cage in barlem''cage of reason''honey i shrunk the cage'mandem let me know about yr features though n/h
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been a way better year than 07 and 08Apart from a family friend getting murdered by some teenage thugs the other week and myself getting bashed into a traffic light by an articulate lorry in April,i cant really complain, this year has treated me decent for a changeholiday with the girls next month along with my 21st which should be cool. Something to look forward to.
did it offer an eloquent apologies?-------as for me its been mad decent,but will just get better as we build momentum for an 010 takeoverlook out for my mixtape dropping in the next month or sowhat do heads think is a good title for this ive got'a cage in barlem''cage of reason''honey i shrunk the cage'mandem let me know about yr features though n/h
:lol: woyyy.. halfway point alreadyuni's been a madness - enjoyable times and pissy times, overall tho im not complaininglifes been good to me really i guess. few setbacks and downpoints, but 09's cool so far.
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