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Controlling dreams

Bruno Di Gradi

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I dunno if i'm the only person who can do this but i can control my dreams in terms of i can trigger something in my mind to change or wake myself up.I been able 2 do this for like a good 5 years now.Example.. i just woke up because i was having some dream and i basically killed someone *no psycho* and feds was about to come and then i said to them "bye" in my dream and then i actually woke up.Is there a word for this kinda thing?

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maybe your body was gonna wake up at that time anyway?You can't understand the complexity of dreams- like what feels like an hour or even 24 hours condensed or stretched into 6-8 hours sleep?[skepta]Madness![/skepta]edit: I can do this too

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Lol, I do this all the time.If I want to get out of my dream...in the dream I close my eyes and hear a count to 3, then my eyes open.Can only be done when I realise I am dreaming though.Also if I realise I am dreaming, it can be changed, just think of tits. TITS :angry: !!

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It's simple.Alot of the time we are fully aware that we are dreaming...Another thing is, have you ever been at a point in a dream, then a bang would happen in real life but it fits in with your dream.The spirit can leave the body during deep sleeps, and it often does. We sleep for most of our life living here on Earth, and during that sleep we travel to different planes or just get messages from the other side, or refrences to things in our life.We can control our dreams, we know its a dream so we can control it. Your spirit also leaves the body, and you feel the drop sensation while you are drifting off, as your body is relaxing so deeply that your spirit just pops out but we aren't fully asleep so our body jolts causing us to wake up.

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Yeah it's called lucid dreaming.They are pretty cool.

A lucid dream is a dream in which the sleeper is aware that he/she is dreaming. When the dreamer is lucid, they can actively participate in and often manipulate the imaginary experiences in the dream environment. Lucid dreams can be extremely real and vivid depending on a person's level of self-awareness during the lucid dream.[1]A lucid dream can begin in one of three ways. A dream-initiated lucid dream (DILD) starts as a normal dream, and the dreamer eventually concludes that they are dreaming, while a wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD) occurs when the dreamer goes from a normal waking state directly into a dream state with no apparent lapse in consciousness. A mnemonic initiated lucid dream (MILD) can happen when the dreamer intentionally affirms him/herself that they will become lucid that night. This can sometimes happen due to dream-signs or spontaneously upon remembrance
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It's simple.Alot of the time we are fully aware that we are dreaming...Another thing is, have you ever been at a point in a dream, then a bang would happen in real life but it fits in with your dream.The spirit can leave the body during deep sleeps, and it often does. We sleep for most of our life living here on Earth, and during that sleep we travel to different planes or just get messages from the other side, or refrences to things in our life.We can control our dreams, we know its a dream so we can control it. Your spirit also leaves the body, and you feel the drop sensation while you are drifting off, as your body is relaxing so deeply that your spirit just pops out but we aren't fully asleep so our body jolts causing us to wake up.
what if you don't believe in spirits and such
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lol .. im just thinking about my actual dream nowwas f*cked... i went to some place and the chick i was with (who was a chick i know who wasnt my girl but in my dream WAS my girl) sat down and i went away and as soon as i come back some guy try sit next to her... so i picked him up and moved him....den he try sit on the other side of her.. so i picked him up and dragged him outside the place and threw him down some escalators which he got caught in somehow and it basically tore man to shreds.. lol was wierd still.

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the ones where i have free wil in the dream i can manipulate as i like.. i have had the odd dream tho wer tings turn pear shaped so i kick out...i dnt like the dreams wer im just watching it kinda like a movie, have no control over them ones.... yet <_<

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It's simple.Alot of the time we are fully aware that we are dreaming...Another thing is, have you ever been at a point in a dream, then a bang would happen in real life but it fits in with your dream.The spirit can leave the body during deep sleeps, and it often does. We sleep for most of our life living here on Earth, and during that sleep we travel to different planes or just get messages from the other side, or refrences to things in our life.We can control our dreams, we know its a dream so we can control it. Your spirit also leaves the body, and you feel the drop sensation while you are drifting off, as your body is relaxing so deeply that your spirit just pops out but we aren't fully asleep so our body jolts causing us to wake up.
what if you don't believe in spirits and such
then you just haven't discovered anything worth while in life
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