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Controlling dreams

Bruno Di Gradi

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Your spirit also leaves the body, and you feel the drop sensation while you are drifting off, as your body is relaxing so deeply that your spirit just pops out but we aren't fully asleep so our body jolts causing us to wake up.
I get this jolt thing every night. I wish I could control my dreams more often cos I have some messed up ones.I remember one time I dreamt I was shot and I was trying to tell my mum and she just kept telling me to hurry up and take the bread out of the shopping bag. When I woke I was so pissed off.
using my powers of dream interptretation this means that you are an attention seeker and ur mum wasnt having it. has ntohing to do with you being shot.
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Your spirit also leaves the body, and you feel the drop sensation while you are drifting off, as your body is relaxing so deeply that your spirit just pops out but we aren't fully asleep so our body jolts causing us to wake up.
I get this jolt thing every night. I wish I could control my dreams more often cos I have some messed up ones.I remember one time I dreamt I was shot and I was trying to tell my mum and she just kept telling me to hurry up and take the bread out of the shopping bag. When I woke I was so pissed off.
i get the jolt regularly while asleep on the tube and train (i can fall asleep anywhere). Shits embarrassing still.
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Your spirit also leaves the body, and you feel the drop sensation while you are drifting off, as your body is relaxing so deeply that your spirit just pops out but we aren't fully asleep so our body jolts causing us to wake up.
I get this jolt thing every night. I wish I could control my dreams more often cos I have some messed up ones.I remember one time I dreamt I was shot and I was trying to tell my mum and she just kept telling me to hurry up and take the bread out of the shopping bag. When I woke I was so pissed off.
i get the jolt regularly while asleep on the tube and train (i can fall asleep anywhere). Shits embarrassing still.
LMAO, I hate when I get the jolt on public transport, I feel so stupid.
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A few things to cosine:If u smoke a lot of weed then cut down u get crazy dreamsIts not that hard 2 wake urself upWaking up with a strong emotion is weird. Can b frustrating or a releif depending on what emotion it is.One of the most f*cked up dreams I had was my family and I getting the electric chair. I was first then hung about as a ghost but could find my ghost family after they got killed...that's all I can remember.

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It's simple.Alot of the time we are fully aware that we are dreaming...Another thing is, have you ever been at a point in a dream, then a bang would happen in real life but it fits in with your dream.The spirit can leave the body during deep sleeps, and it often does. We sleep for most of our life living here on Earth, and during that sleep we travel to different planes or just get messages from the other side, or refrences to things in our life.We can control our dreams, we know its a dream so we can control it. Your spirit also leaves the body, and you feel the drop sensation while you are drifting off, as your body is relaxing so deeply that your spirit just pops out but we aren't fully asleep so our body jolts causing us to wake up.
i was reading this till i looked at who posted it this girl chats so much sh*t
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Guest Esquilax
what does it mean when u have a fight in ur dreams but the punches have no effect?
Erectile dysfuntion/ ImpotenceFirin' blanks-blaanks
:mellow: i really dont know if ur being serious or not?
google it
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what does it mean when u have a fight in ur dreams but the punches have no effect?
Erectile dysfuntion/ ImpotenceFirin' blanks-blaanks
:mellow: i really dont know if ur being serious or not?
google it
Your dream implies feelings of frustration, perhaps especially with those whom you try to punch.Being 'held back' by an invisible force in a dream when running, walking, talking or fighting indicates this sort of thing. The particular action indicates something of the issue at the root of the thing: punching obviously involves hostility - or defense. If hostile, one usually has a feeling of anger and is not finding the means to counter the actions of another or feels restrained from effectively dealing with affront. If you frequently have dreams of this sort involving many different people then you seem to have some frustration in how you deal with others in challenging situations. That can be for a variety of reasons from feeling intimidated to just not feeling able to counter the affront they represent. That's not necessarily a major issue but may be one you'd like to identify and work on a bit if you find the feeling to be true in waking life.All the best to you.
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Just had a dream I got sacked from some jobwas walking home then someone I know had a heart attackNot even the person gave a f*ck about getting help for themselves and neither did their friends, it was only me calling ambulance etc, then I thought f*ck this dream then woke upI didnt know I was dreaming throughout which was weird for meMeanings (I think): Sacked - a situation I dont want to be in at all. Freeing myself from it soon thoughHeart attack - There is a lack of support between these people. I am the only 1 that will back thingsHence I dont move with them tbh

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I did have a dream one time where I heard three gunshots and woke up quick fast, proper sat up in my bed panicking. I reached for my phone and called my bredrin asking if my boy that lived below me was shot. They burst out laughing as they had no clue what I was talking about. The gunshots sounded so loud that I thought it was the floor below.

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I did have a dream one time where I heard three gunshots and woke up quick fast, proper sat up in my bed panicking. I reached for my phone and called my bredrin asking if my boy that lived below me was shot. They burst out laughing as they had no clue what I was talking about. The gunshots sounded so loud that I thought it was the floor below.
ahahahahah don't know why i cracked up reading that. ahahahha
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