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(360) Modern Warfare 2 Thread


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honestly tho some ppl need to chill out, i know it's annoying having sum c*nt with 20 helicopters in a match but t doesn't happen that often, and if 2 ppl wanna sit in the corner of the map killing each other to boost points let them, it doesn't affect me.

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tbh aswell the community helped ruin this game themselfsalot of people who play this game are cunts
this is true, but only half the problemthe stuff is readily available in the game, in which players are able to use to piss people off.without T.Ithere is no easy boosting ( bar cage match boosting )for example.It was a good idea, but is useless due to the spawning issues, again another issue.
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honestly tho some ppl need to chill out, i know it's annoying having sum c*nt with 20 helicopters in a match but t doesn't happen that often, and if 2 ppl wanna sit in the corner of the map killing each other to boost points let them, it doesn't affect me.
i beg to differTACTICAL NUKE INCOMINGgame ends
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honestly tho some ppl need to chill out, i know it's annoying having sum c*nt with 20 helicopters in a match but t doesn't happen that often, and if 2 ppl wanna sit in the corner of the map killing each other to boost points let them, it doesn't affect me.
It happens pretty much every game.
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Yeah Halo has the best matchmaking systemIts jokes as well after all the cussing we gave Treyarch, its pretty clear that their MP was much better, stats, matchmaking everything.I go on IW forums and so much gets said, IW say they listen but clearly they dont. They need a major overhaul on the fixes for the 1st map pack.

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Theres been some cold respawns tbhI was thankfull thoughCouple people have been camping, I run round a corner, they kill me, then I spawn about 5 feet behind them for the revenge killIMO this respawn should happen with camping all the time

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Theres been some cold respawns tbhI was thankfull thoughCouple people have been camping, I run round a corner, they kill me, then I spawn about 5 feet behind them for the revenge killIMO this respawn should happen with camping all the time
how would the code "decide" when camping is camping tho?
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Its all fantasy bro.SLASH if you have been in the same spot for more than x seconds+ yesterday i was breezing round a corner in Skidrow, something kinda hit me and I was baffled, was like lag or something, then I turn round and realise a care package dropped on me, see one guy crouching behind the dustbin right infront of me waiting for itblasted that fool and took his sh*t

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see one guy crouching behind the dustbin right infront of me waiting for itblasted that fool and took his sh*t
i love doing this, ever since jeffah betrayed me i've become cold hearted with care packages. Oh it's your hard earned ac130 mate? i care not!
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lmaoone guy on my team tried to take my care package the other daySwear I would have beaten him up irl had I seen him
LMAO, trust me I hate these sneaky dudes.But then, I cannot talk, I have stolen hard earned team members packages.Double standards. "yes". Care not "no"
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If you get an emergency airdrop and dont share then your a wasteman. You should take the best one and leave the rest for you teammates. Thats the whole point.

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