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Creed Diskenth

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The spawning is annoying. Just played a game about 30 minutes ago with my boy where we got killed by a chopper gunner. I spawned 4 more times and got killed by the same chopper gunner instantly. Some bullshit./I need the AK-47u in my life. I hardly let it off and the guy I hit with it dropped despite him letting off bare rounds./Also, the Enfield is sh*t.

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this game is emotionally k/d is like 0.33 should have started playin cod 4 when i had the chance
Was watching one of your games last night, too funny. The frag fail on havana :D :D
The spawning is annoying. Just played a game about 30 minutes ago with my boy where we got killed by a chopper gunner. I spawned 4 more times and got killed by the same chopper gunner instantly. Some bullshit./I need the AK-47u in my life. I hardly let it off and the guy I hit with it dropped despite him letting off bare rounds./Also, the Enfield is sh*t.
Its a hassle to avoid aircraft deaths, especially when your in your early ranks. Level 30 to unlock stinger. Cant remember what you need to do for Ghost pro (makes you undetectable) but its long.Its AK74u, better get the name right before you get a angry message from Lens :D Gonna use that gun today, stuck on the silencer, its good to go.Enfield isnt sh*t imo, its a good filler gun till you get the FAMAS.
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Guest Esquilax

Best filler gun is easily the SkorpionGuys getting BLARSTED onAlso, wtf is up with these maps? They're f*ck*ng bizarre, dunno who designed themI do like the one with the bus in the middle, and the jungle oneToo mnay ice levels IMO

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Once they get the spawns spot on this game will be a beastIs it me or does this game feel more competitive than the rest of the CODs?When your in a 2 v 1 situation on this, 1 being yourself, you rarely win it even though you get all your shots on target.Enemy sponging bullets is a madness which also needs to be rectified.

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