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Creed Diskenth

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what secondary weapons are you guys using?
the launcher that auto locks, coz i'm trying to unlock ghost pro. then will be back with the m1911@ the claymore problem people, You gotta aim the red light at him, it should go off str8 away, if it's right next to him he's prob between the red lights, hence not setting it off
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anyone else had dodgy framerate issues?never had it before on an xbox, on pc always but never on a xbox. sh*t is over crazy.and f*ck theater mode not saving my best games, every sick game i get that im not recording on my pvr, it never saves. So jarring, got some over sick clips :D
Theatre mode saved 4.53 minutes of about a game of domination on Havana yesterday, don't think that was even half of the game, and what I wanted to find was all in the second half of that match. <_<Murkle/Onetouch/Shady/Gundam... any of you got more than 5 minutes of that match?
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for anyone thinking of copping, dont, until they are certain they are gona fix certain sh*t. allow them releasing an unfinished product, bare jarring.
If they fix this sh*t, are u gonna cop?
Doubt they will fix anything tbh. I've seen it being played tho, cant say it made me want to play / cop :D
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na they are fixing sh*t, just not the sh*t i want fixing, i want spawns to be some sort of priority!!also, demo is that gametype. the spawns are set, so theres no dodgy spawns.atleast they are taking in what the community wants, its a start. Finally.

LIVE FIXES11/5- Villa: User can clip into rock at west edge of grid zone B2 and see through to the other side- Crisis: User can clip into LVT between grid zone A3 and B3 and see through to the other side- User can get an infinite number of 'Sam Turret', 'Care Package' and 'Sentry Gun' killstreaks (commonly referred to as the “care package glitch”)11/9- Radar sweep when there are only 2 players left in One in the Chamber will stop functioning if the 2 players have multiple lives when the sweep starts- Crash when viewing content (films, clips, etc) in the Community & Recent Games menu11/10- Users’ rank and stats can get wiped under very specific conditions11/11- Online number counts were not updating properly; these are now reporting exact online numbers- Parties getting disbanded when host did not find a match quickly11/12- Launch: User could access a small platform outside of the intended play space below the rocket gantry by jumping to a very specific location; now blocked from access- Launch: User could access a small area inside geometry at vents near Dom flag A by going prone and moving around in a very specific location; now blocked from access- Some users reported that weapon attachment challenges were not resetting after prestige; now all are guaranteed to clear as soon as selecting the prestige optionIN PROGRESS- Improved matchmaking to find matches faster- Improved match and host selection; will result in much better networking conditions for all games (a.k.a., decreased lag)- Weekly and Monthly leaderboards stats reporting incorrectly for kills, deaths and assists (All Time leaderboard not affected by this)- Additional improvements to party system· Improved matchmaking to find matches significantly faster· Improved matchmaking to ensure that players are more effectively matched to games with the best networking conditions· Improved host selection to ensure that the best host is always selected in the pre-game lobby· Improved party system to ensure that parties don’t get broken apart· Disable ability to join Private Match, Combat Training and Theater lobbies when searching for Player Match games· Server-side and game-side changes to decrease the amount of failed Film uploads· Weekly and Monthly leaderboards will now track all kills, deaths and assists properly (All Time leaderboards were not affected by this)· Prevention of Combat Training stats getting crossed with Player Match stats under rare conditions· Prevention of killstreak selection getting disabled in Combat Training under rare conditions· Prevention of Valkyrie rocket exploding upon release under rare conditions· Prevention of Gunship failing to give player full control under rare conditions· Prevention of temporary loss of functionality when a button was being held down at the point of a disconnect· Additional fine-tuning of audio levels and ranges for footsteps and gunfire· Additional fine-tuning of audio levels for bomb plants/defuses· Additional online security enhancements· Array: Added collision to prevent players from partially clipping into a tree· Launch: Added collision to prevent players from strafe jumping onto an invisible ledge at the base of the rocket near B3· Summit: Added collision to prevent players from jumping to a location outside of the map boundary when in Custom Games where player speed is maxed out· Havana: Added collision to prevent players from jumping onto an invisible ledge above a doorway at C2· Nuketown: Adjusted a spawn point that would spawn players on top of a mannequin’s head when that mannequin was randomly spawned in that location· Disable ability to vote for a previous map twice in a row
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find matches faster one should have been the top priorityalso, they should fix the scavenger perk so i get a 2nd claymore when i resupply.
Trust, cant be waiting for 10 mins to find a lobby.f*ck no. Claymores are a guaranteed kill now, you cant hear them go off, cant escape. One per life is enough.Glad to see they are taking notice of the feedback.
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1 per life is not enough, You remember how i used to play, claymore was my primary weapon, i made an art out of itthey need to slow down the explosion time and sound, i agree, but obv the feedback they listened to was from claymore amateurs who kept gettin hit markers or complete misses after it set off, and bitchin. but yeh, i'm more concerned with actually gettin in a game than i am with random glitches on the maps

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1 per life is not enough, You remember how i used to play, claymore was my primary weapon, i made an art out of itthey need to slow down the explosion time and sound, i agree, but obv the feedback they listened to was from claymore amateurs who kept gettin hit markers or complete misses after it set off, and bitchin. but yeh, i'm more concerned with actually gettin in a game than i am with random glitches on the maps
ha your one of those camping stale fish players... i must say this game is aweful... the game is too frustrating... if your not the host you just get f*cked by the lag... the knifing is a joke... mw2 had its moments with the knife when you would just hit thin air milli-meters from there face but Black Ops is just brutally frustrating the way you just knife the air all the time its more or less uselessBut more than anything is the shooting... players take way too many shots to kill... which is bullshit bcos there isnt even a stopping power perk... the way you can just spray a clip into a players back and they jus turn round and one shot you is a joke... to top it off the map designs are so f*ck*ng dated and boring there like timesplitters for the ps2... I wont be buying another treyarch COD there sh*t... so sh*t... rant over
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1 per life is not enough, You remember how i used to play, claymore was my primary weapon, i made an art out of itthey need to slow down the explosion time and sound, i agree, but obv the feedback they listened to was from claymore amateurs who kept gettin hit markers or complete misses after it set off, and bitchin. but yeh, i'm more concerned with actually gettin in a game than i am with random glitches on the maps
ha your one of those camping stale fish players... i must say this game is aweful... the game is too frustrating... if your not the host you just get f*cked by the lag... the knifing is a joke... mw2 had its moments with the knife when you would just hit thin air milli-meters from there face but Black Ops is just brutally frustrating the way you just knife the air all the time its more or less uselessBut more than anything is the shooting... players take way too many shots to kill... which is bullshit bcos there isnt even a stopping power perk... the way you can just spray a clip into a players back and they jus turn round and one shot you is a joke... to top it off the map designs are so f*ck*ng dated and boring there like timesplitters for the ps2... I wont be buying another treyarch COD there sh*t... so sh*t... rant over
Lens is the biggest camp on Mw2, claymores and scrambler, what a fail.pmsllll this is it! especially jungle, so boring. Agreed on the knifing, please explain how it makes sense that I miss a shank, then the enemy misses his shank and he shoots me before I can recover from my initial melee. Lag is off the scales, sh*t is crazy y'all, are you seeing this sh*t?! Demolition ftw, constant spawns! Galil silenced is beast. Scavenger, SoH and Marathon is pretty broken :lol:No point trying to kill someone at a distance, waste of ammo seeing as they will absorb bullets and take cover. This isnt a reflection on player aim.Best thing about this game is theater mode, continually reloading the funny sh*t after games. Last night this one dude got his RC car, blatently the first time aswell, he couldnt control the damn thing and ended up blowing it up 2 feet from his hiding hole, body went flying :D
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Guest Rorschach

It's a good thing scavenger doesnt replace claymoresallow facilitating peoples campingswear there was nothing more infuriating than walking into a claymore, and then as I was geting blown up, seeing the little f*ck come to the door way and plant another one.

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Nah medic, real talk, You know i'm not one of them "hide behind claymore" campter type players. i lay my claymore intelligently, move the f*ck on and run and gun, i just want another claymore when i kill, the same way frag/semtex users want another 1 when they kill. and You're talkin about "facilitating camping" - making the game less sniper friendly makes people less likely to camp, which they've done, and earned my applause forthe map design You're hating on also makes people less likely to camp, hence the lack of camping on the small world at war mapsi also hate that jungle map, deadout, only 1 i constantly vote against

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Guest Rorschach

People want another semtex because they throw it and then need another one, you can use them on the fly..When you lay a claymore and run and gun, unless its SnD, theres quite a chance you will be dead before it goes off, unless you plan to stay in the vicinity of said claymore and kill people, which will attract someone to come after you n run over itDon't get me wrong, I use themBut not allowing them to be replinished is a good thing

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I think the game is alright. Some of the maps are a bit too similar. I don't think killing people is harder, aim for the head, game over tbh.Spawns are too f*cked. Atleast i know if someone is killing me, he's dead when i respawn :lol:Having 3 RC's in stock and using them B2B >>

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